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I think my kids have fifths disease

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The younger started with a cold. Then he broke out in hives I thought. We were dealing with some allergy issues, possibly, so I naturally thought that was the case. Then the older got the cold. Now today, he has bright red cheeks with hivey rash that is also on the trunk! I am guessing it is possibly fifths? Does that sound about right?


Oh and do they need to see a DR for this?

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Sounds like Fifths to me. Do you have pictures? Have you searched for pictures to compare? I could email you pictures of my ds 8 last fall when he had Fifth's if you want! His was particularly scary, as he has life-threatening food allergies and I assumed as he broke out that that was what it was!! does the rash come and go? My ds would start to look better and then, he'd exercise and look terrible again!! Apparently, heat can do that.


Anyway, my advice - enjoy a Mike's (or a Merlot) depending on the weather! LOL (As I sip a Merlot!)

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Also be careful around people with blood or bone marrow disorders. Fifths shuts down the bone marrow's production of blood cells. My son with sickle cell ended up in the hospital for a week needed repeat blood transfusions from Fifth Disease.


Ss long as your kids are typically healthy, they should be just fine before too long.

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Yes, that does sounds like Fifths. My son had it about a year ago and I took him to the Dr, but they recommended doing nothing. Unfortunately I was in my first trimester at the time so it was a dilemma for myself, but my son was back to normal very quickly. Hope your son is better soon.

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The younger started with a cold. Then he broke out in hives I thought. We were dealing with some allergy issues, possibly, so I naturally thought that was the case. Then the older got the cold. Now today, he has bright red cheeks with hivey rash that is also on the trunk! I am guessing it is possibly fifths? Does that sound about right?


Oh and do they need to see a DR for this?


Sounds exactly right. My third guy had it a few months ago. It migrated a lot. His looked more lacey. If they never had Roseola before (as babies) that could also be it.

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We just had it go through our church nursery, too. Let anyone your child may have had contact with know because he was only contagious before the rash appeared and isn't anymore. (IOW, he was contagious last Sunday but won't be this Sunday). We were glad we were told we were exposed because we meet regularly with a family with a pregnant mom and my youngest had cold symptoms. Since we had been exposed to FD we didn't take the chance and just stopped meeting with them for a few weeks until we were pretty certain he had the flu and not FD and the mom was comfortable with him around. (It can take 6-28 days from exposure to first symptoms if you do end up coming down with FD.)


I hope that was more helpful/ informative than it was confusing.

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Thanks! I will think back over the past 2 weeks to try and remember all we have been around.


Pretty sure, no pregnant women nor any others with issues that might compromise their health.


One of mine has definitely had Roseola so not that. Can't remember if the other has or not but I don't think he did.


Thanks all!

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