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Opinions Wanted - Curriculum Overview Grade 2

Blue Ray

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Hello everyone.

Glad to be here. This site is a God send. So thanks.

New to hs. Son is grade 2 and we are new at this. I rent the WTM book and try and copy some pages so I have a guideline.


Here is what I am doing thus far:


Math: Horizons. Its working fine but will be looking into Singapore for 3rd


Science: Basic earth and astronomy twice a week. Lots of experiments.


History: SOFW - Having a blast with this.


Cursive: Handwriting without tears. DS writes backwards often so this is

very rewarding for him as he does not write backwards in cursive.


Language Arts: Spelling workbook B. Will move on to C eventually. Going well. Also we use "First Language" and thats been good fun! Love the poems.


Art: Classes at library


Music Appreciation: Next spring - my own program


Bible Study: My own program.


PE: Organized sports, lots of one on one time with hubby playing outdoors




My question...how does this look? I really just copied the book however now I printed something off the website that is mentioning "Writing Strand".

Is WS something I should be doing in addition?


Also..hmm..the narration. Not really getting much out of asking him. A bit but I am thinking through time this skill will get better.



Our next adventure is trying to see if "lapbooks" are going to be up our alley or not.


I just want to say how much I love the WTM book. At first it was intimidating but now I think I get it:)





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Are you using a phonics / reading program, or is your dc already reading well?


As for narrations, you might find this chapter from WWE helpful (click on the links for sample pages). Perhaps you could do narrations in the context of your history studies for now, or informally in the context of other literature you read aloud to him.

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Sounds like you have a really good lineup so far! :) I wouldn't add in Writing Strands yet at 2nd grade. If you want to add in a writing program, I recommend Writing with Ease (also by Susan Wise Bauer). If you add this, you would eliminate some of the copywork/dictation from FLL.


Welcome to the board!


Edited to add: I just saw your comment about narration. WWE is been a HUGE help for my 8yo ds in that department.

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Hello and thanks for posting!


DS is a decent reader. Was a bit worried but last year he turned the corner. I am a big reader so hoping that is a big influence.



thanks. Let me click on that and see. And appreciate the tips.



thank you. So I will look at the WWE.


In regards to Writing Strands, is it something I should consider for 3rd as a supplement to our outline or does it replace something?



One of my sons weak spots is the writing backwards, no spacing, and run on sentences. I am hoping this WTM program is going to give him a leg up with this little weak spot of concern.


Thanks for the warm welcome.

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What about history? That's where Andrew does most of his narrating, he also narrates a page for his reading work.


It looks very similar to what we're doing.



We are doing the SOFW and loving it. We started at the ancients and I just order the 2nd one. I do have use the activity book to help me, help him. Its just if I ask him without the book, I am not sure I am getting enough narration. Hoping in due time.



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We are doing the SOFW and loving it. We started at the ancients and I just order the 2nd one. I do have use the activity book to help me, help him. Its just if I ask him without the book, I am not sure I am getting enough narration. Hoping in due time.



We do the review questions from the teacher's manual first, that gives him idea of what to narrate. Since we've only started, we're still in Ancient Egypt ;) , but I've been pleased by Andrew's narrations so far. I only make him copy one sentence (of a four sentence narration) and I write the rest for him.

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We do the review questions from the teacher's manual first, that gives him idea of what to narrate. Since we've only started, we're still in Ancient Egypt ;) , but I've been pleased by Andrew's narrations so far. I only make him copy one sentence (of a four sentence narration) and I write the rest for him.




Question..silly maybe..when you write down his narrations, do you write so he can re-read it or do you handwrite it? How does that go? I am wondering if I would do better at typing it out.

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Hello everyone.

Glad to be here. This site is a God send. So thanks.

New to hs. Son is grade 2 and we are new at this. I rent the WTM book and try and copy some pages so I have a guideline.


Here is what I am doing thus far:


Math: Horizons. Its working fine but will be looking into Singapore for 3rd


Science: Basic earth and astronomy twice a week. Lots of experiments.


History: SOFW - Having a blast with this.


Cursive: Handwriting without tears. DS writes backwards often so this is

very rewarding for him as he does not write backwards in cursive.


Language Arts: Spelling workbook B. Will move on to C eventually. Going well. Also we use "First Language" and thats been good fun! Love the poems.


Art: Classes at library


Music Appreciation: Next spring - my own program


Bible Study: My own program.


PE: Organized sports, lots of one on one time with hubby playing outdoors




My question...how does this look? I really just copied the book however now I printed something off the website that is mentioning "Writing Strand".

Is WS something I should be doing in addition?


Also..hmm..the narration. Not really getting much out of asking him. A bit but I am thinking through time this skill will get better.



Our next adventure is trying to see if "lapbooks" are going to be up our alley or not.


I just want to say how much I love the WTM book. At first it was intimidating but now I think I get it:)






Your line-up looks good. Is your child a fluent reader? If not I'd add in some phonics. An easy resource for this is Explode the Code--two pages a day. I also ask my little guy to read me a story most days. We did ETC last year but he no longer needs it--don't feel you have to do phonics unless you see a need.

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Thanks everyone:)


I wouldn't say fluent but getting there. He is picking 4th grade books thus far.




I feel like the book really set me up - plus this web site. And I agree, what may work this year may not work next.



Appreciate the feedback.


PS: I was just curious about the summer. A very nice HS mom explained HS is a way of life so yes, most people "teach" their child in the summer. What is your thoughts on summer time?

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Question..silly maybe..when you write down his narrations, do you write so he can re-read it or do you handwrite it? How does that go? I am wondering if I would do better at typing it out.

I handwrite it, but I make sure he can read it. I use my best penmanship, big print, as close to perfect as possible. He can read my print, so that's no problem for us, of course, he's still learning to speak slowly so poor old mom has time to write it all down.



Oh, and since we're 'behind' in history, we've been talking about going year round. I am sorely disappointed at my son's grammar as well. We've had to start with grade 1 stuff (First Language Lessons). He reads at the JH level, but does not know the first thing about grammar. I'm thinking we'll go three weeks on, one week off, or something similar.

Edited by lionfamily1999
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I handwrite it, but I make sure he can read it. I use my best penmanship, big print, as close to perfect as possible. He can read my print, so that's no problem for us, of course, he's still learning to speak slowly so poor old mom has time to write it all down.


Thanks Julie. PS: I have a Luke also.

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I didn't read every response in detail, so if someone already mentioned this, please forgive me.


I would just suggest you stick with the same math (Horizons), if it's working. From other posters, I've read that Horizons is a good solid spiral program that's a bit advanced compared to the standardized tests/ps system. So, I would stick to that if it's working well. Singapore is a whole different approach and I think it might give you unnecessary trouble to have to decide where to place him, and learn a new system of doing math, and to try to learn a new teacher's manual, etc. etc. The Home Instructor's Guide, which you can purchase separately, is not that easy to follow IMO, and the curriculum also comes with a text book and work book, and there are mental math drills also. There are also manipulatives that, if you want to use them, you have to make. So, I wouldn't recommend it for starting out, especially if Horizons is going well, and you can follow the Teacher's Manual. JMHO. :) The least amount that you have to figure out "from scratch" the better, when starting out. ;)


I would also agree that WWE is a good place to start with writing. Regarding phonics, even if your son is reading well, you might want to look into reinforcing those reading and spelling skills with a phonics program.

Edited by JenniferB
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Oh yes, Explode the Code is great if you still need phonics work!


I started my ds on Level 1 of WWE (2nd grade). It's a good fit for him. Some 2nd graders could probably start at Level 2, but my ds still wasn't terribly proficient in handwriting so I didn't want to push it. You can see some samples at the Peace Hill Press website to see the length of the sentences for copywork. Also, dictation starts in Level 2 I believe.

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thanks for that. I may just do that. Horizon is really working out. Maybe since it is, I will continue. Then figure out what 4th grade math brings. Thanks for the post.




how would I gauge Ineed phonic work - oh wait - I mean he needs phonic work? Any thoughts on that?


I am going to look over WWE over the winter break.





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