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Norfolk peeps. Uber question

Tree Frog

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I'm currently in Norfolk, heading home tomorrow. Before I arrived, I couldn't schedule an Uber to pick me up. My dd, who has flown more often than I have recently and had frequently used Uber, explained that some airports don't allow Uber to schedule pick ups and thought that was the case with the Norfolk airport. It turned out I didn't need an Uber to where I was staying. 

Yesterday, I requested an Uber to take me to the airport tomorrow morning. No one has accepted the pick up yet. Is there something I'm missing about Uber and the Norfolk airport? 

I've never taken an Uber, so this is all new. I like to have everything arranged ahead of time so I'm not panicking right before my flight. Is it normal to wait until the morning of before it's accepted? Do I need to find a taxi as back up? (I've never taken a taxi, either. 😜)

Thanks for any help or suggestions you can give me! 


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1 hour ago, Tree Frog said:

I'm currently in Norfolk, heading home tomorrow. Before I arrived, I couldn't schedule an Uber to pick me up. My dd, who has flown more often than I have recently and had frequently used Uber, explained that some airports don't allow Uber to schedule pick ups and thought that was the case with the Norfolk airport. It turned out I didn't need an Uber to where I was staying. 

Yesterday, I requested an Uber to take me to the airport tomorrow morning. No one has accepted the pick up yet. Is there something I'm missing about Uber and the Norfolk airport? 

I've never taken an Uber, so this is all new. I like to have everything arranged ahead of time so I'm not panicking right before my flight. Is it normal to wait until the morning of before it's accepted? Do I need to find a taxi as back up? (I've never taken a taxi, either. 😜)

Thanks for any help or suggestions you can give me! 


Cabs are more reliable in the city. Outside it, Uber works.

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There are airports which don't allow Uber for various reasons.  For instance, the Bellingham, WA airport has banned Uber.

You can call the cab company you want to use and ask if you can schedule a pickup or whether you should call the day you want it.


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