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Science for Gr. 1- Study Dinosaurs


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Hi! I'm hoping someone can help me out!


I've been doing NOEO's Biology I with my dd6 and we're both really enjoying it. Thing is, she told me recently that she does not want to study the human body this year as talking about blood/bones/brains scares her. The NOEO curriculum calls for 7 weeks of Human Body!! She would like to study dinosaurs instead. I'm happy to do this, but need a bit of guidance.


Can anyone recommend a good spine about Dinosaurs for her age level? Or is there an existing unit study or stuff available on the internet? I'd need help with activities to do with her because I can't honestly say dinosaurs interest me much. :rolleyes:


I've found with NOEO that we would do the reading, then the illustration/narration from the text they recommended but then I would branch off and we would read more from library books on the same subject. Then I'd put together worksheets or activities for her to keep her interest. She really loves doing this but it's a lot of work for me.


Dinosaurs is a HUGE topic to cover & we're having a new baby in a couple of weeks! I'm hoping someone here has covered this topic with a gr. 1 and can offer some advice. I'd like to try to keep costs to a minimum, if possible. It's difficult (and costly) to get curriculum out of the US- especially if it's just for one topic like this.


Thank you!!

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It's creation-based, but I suppose you could pick and choose your resources if you don't want creation-based. Here is the link:




Okay, I don't know if that linked or not, but copy/paste if not. It's a short 8day study and I guess you could add as much as you wanted. HTH and look below at my post about the dino unit study in case anyone answers!

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Have you looked for lapbook or study guide kits from places like homeschoolestore.com or handsofachild.com? When I need something easy to put together on a single topic like dinos I go looking at those sites. I don't use them all the the time, but they work especially well when life is getting busy. The HOAC ones are laid out clearly enough that you could hand the whole thing over to another adult and ask them to teach it while you are dealing with the new baby. Both sites offer their products as downloads, so there are zero shipping costs. You do have to print them out, but that has to be less than international shipping.

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