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Classical Writing vs Cottage Press


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I'm looking at CW Homer vs CP Bards & Poets. I own and have used CW Homer, but it seems to maybe be harder for the student than what I'm currently looking for. Is Cottage Press set up easier for the parent? Are the CP copia exercises more varied than doing the sentence shuffle exercises of CW?

Even if you've not seen both, if you've used Cottage Press, could you tell me how it went for you?

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I have not used CW. I did use CP Fable & Song, I think in grade 4 for dd. I liked it pretty well. Love that all instructions are in the student book and there is plenty of space for diagramming. I liked the way diagramming was taught. Writing was outline based and was fine. I did not think spelling was sufficient and would need supplemented. I think grammar was basic but sufficient. There was a beauty and simplicity to the program and yet it seemed mostly thorough. I like the small steps to delve deeper into writing structure concepts. I remember liking Bards and Poets and thinking we would do in a couple years (seemed too advanced to follow since dd would have been 11). We'd moved to IEW and I'd forgotten it. I'd actually consider moving back to CP B&P next year, though I like IEW. CP was fantastic after FLL because it had thorough instruction in the student book and could be done independently. FLL has no instructions in the book. 

As far as variation in the exercises, from what I recall, they had similar format but had some variation. I don't recall being bothered by lack of variation. However, we tried MP CC for about a month this year and couldn't deal with the format with every lesson the same.

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15 hours ago, Lovinglife123 said:

What about writing & rhetoric narrative I or II ?  The layout of CP would drive me nuts.  It looks like something I would buy and not end up using.  We used English Lessons through Literature- that was truly open and go.   I found I prefer a separate writing program like W&R.

She's used W&R books 1-3, but isn't ready to move to writing a multi-paragraph essay like book 4 requires. I was looking for something to stall in narratives at a higher level while she gains writing maturity.

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No experience with either of your requests, BUT... If this is for an elementary-aged student, you might also look at:

Teaching Writing Through Guided Analysis (formerly: Treasured Conversations) = gr. 3-5
With scripted guidance for the parent, gently moves from single sentences and solo paragraphs to multi-paragraph writing by the end of the year.


Writing Tales (level 1 = gr. 3/4; level 2 - gr. 4/5)

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