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3yodd on lesson 86 of 100EL... what next?


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She will be 4 mid-January, and has asked to do school like the big kids, so after the holidays I will start giving her some things. We will be finished with 100EL by then, and I got the Explode the Code books to begin with (she is also writing well, asking me to spell everything and often spelling things on her own without asking).


Do you think it would be too early to start FLL with her? I am pretty certain she can handle the memorization, she has made it through 1 1/2 Cubbies books already, memorizing the verses and references with ease.


Also, I do think it is too early for a real handwriting lesson book, but if she is chomping at the bit to do it, shouldn't I work on developing the proper habit? My oldest was this way, and I just let him write as he chose at first, but we did have to struggle through breaking bad habits later. Second grade was not a fun year for him (or me!). Any suggestions for a gentle early hand writing program?


This kid is going to keep me on my toes!

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She sounds a lot like my 4yo son! He finished 100 EL while he was three.. I struggled with finding things that taught him reading and held his attention after that.


I think that initally I went to Bob books and Sonlight's 1st grade readers. I'm not sure why, but he quickly lost interest in both of those. Abeka readers (first grade) worked well for a while. He was excited to keep reading, which I think is important at such a young age. Then we moved on to a Bob Jones 2nd grade reading book that we had access to, and he liked that a lot too.


I was doing FLL with him for a while, and just skipping copy work. He was more than capable of it, and enjoyed it. I only stopped because I found he could learn parts of speech, etc. just as easily listening to his brother's lessons.


Personally, I haven't pushed handwritting much. He does write on his own, in fact yesterday he wrote a little poem (you could hear him read it on my blog). But your concern about future bad habbits is a good one. I would probably present handwriting around age 4 and offer "the right way", but not push if she doesn't want to learn, KWIM?


I have used this website http://handwritingworksheets.com/ or workbooks from Wal-Mart, or some of my oldest son's left over Reason for Handwriting sheets. I just show him how to make the letters and then let him practice.



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We started FLL when my oldest dd was 4 and my boys were 3. The boys were a bit young but dd loved it. As for handwriting, my kids love handwriting best. I started when the boys were 3.5 and dd was 4.5. I don't push it but they always ask to do it and it means that their handwriting is legible.

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I feel pretty good about starting the FLL with her. We have the CD and she will probably enjoy that in the car, which will help.


Wendy, now that you mention it, I think I remember hearing from another mom long ago (before dd even emerged!) that HWT was good for young students. Thanks for the reminder, I will look onto it (I had no reason to when I heard about it before).

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I would do the ETC books, but you may want to start higher than book 1 if she is reading well and spelling well. I am not sure about FLL. For handwriting, we are using pentime and LOVE it. It is really working for both of my kids and it is simple, clear, and not a lot of stuff on one page. My 5 year old breezes through it, colors the pictures on the page, and is always done in 10 minutes or less. It has been great for us!

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  • 4 weeks later...

I like Handwriting Helps for Kids. It teaches the right strokes, but you can do it with large motor (like on an easel) or in the workbook. And the workbook is quite user friendly and very short. We did HWT PreK and are now doing the K book for Handwriting Helps for Kids, and I like it MUCH better. I think it does a much better job with teaching formation.


I think FLL would be fine, if she is interested. I might leave the ETC books around, but she's making such fast progress and there is a lot of review in the ETC books that she might be bored. Also, it has a good bit of writing. My five year old is finding it frustrating.

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