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Is there ab Integrated Math II online class that is also an a-g UC approved one?

moon sky

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Hi there,

Please advise me on an integrated math II online class that is also an a-g UC approved. My DC is an 8th grader at a public school and already finished Algebra 1 last school year with Chalkdust. This school year, DC is back at school in person and takes IM1 as it is the most advanced option the middle school offers. The school district doesn't let a student takes more advanced class online during the school time. DC doesn't mind to get some review during the school time and wants to continue IM2 online after school time. DC hopes to start 9th grade with IM3 or PreCal. A counselor at the high school DC is going to next year advises DC selecting an online IM2 class from the a-g UC approved courses list.

I would like DC to get good foundation not just get it done. Reviews here mention Apex and Silicon Valley classes the check off the box type ones?  How's about iLead and BYU? Any recommendation on any other places to look at?

Thank you so much!

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Silicon Valley High School has a-g approval and offers Integrated II, you take it there and transfer the credit to the school your student will attends. Make sure the school will accept it first, though. I'm currently taking Integrated Math 3 (70% done with semester one), but they offer the full math sequence. The videos and readings are redundant most of the time, but as long as the self paced aspect is fine for your student, they should be able to figure out an efficient system; it definitely errs on the side of including extra information and repeating itself, but you do need to actually understand what you are doing to complete the assignments, even if the quizzes aren't as complete. In my course there's also a lot of review, including the entirety of the first unit and the first lesson or two of every other unit, so I'm not sure if that would be too much for a student already facing a ton of review at school.


 I hope that helps!

Edited for clarity

Edited by Treewriter
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