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College applications for transgender student


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Just wanted to send best wishes on helping your student navigate the application process.

I haven't gone through this, but I was just in my practice Common App account yesterday and there is a place for the student to add amplifying information if the options for gender don't adequately describe them and they want to add more information.

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I found this info from Common App on changes to the app that will go into effect on August 1. https://www.commonapp.org/blog/common-app-revises-application-questions-sex-and-gender

"In an effort to ensure that the application process itself will not undermine LGBTQ+ students' chances of attending college, Common App will add a question to provide applicants with the option to share their preferred first name, added a pronoun question that gives students the option to multi-select or add their pronoun set, and shift the presentation of a question from "Sex" to "Legal Sex" to reduce student confusion."


I think the specifics of how to handle this may depend on where your kiddo is in the process. If the name change is not yet legally official, I would the current official name on the transcript, with the preferred name in the box for preferred name on the application. However, you could certainly use the preferred name on the counselor recommendation or other narrative documents.
If a name change has been finalized, I would use the new name on new documents like the transcript.

You could also include a brief statement somewhere in the counselor recommendation or additional information section to indicate that while some documents use the name "John Smith" your documents use "Jane Smith" to be consistent with the student's current usage.

It is often recommended that correspondence with a college include the student's date of birth or student ID number (usually issued after the application is submitted).

It would also be completely appropriate for you to call a college admissions office to ask about this. That is something a school counselor might do on a student's behalf. (And I think there response might be an interesting indicator of how welcoming the school might be.)

Best wishes on your student's applications.



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My dc had all their test scores and DE transcripts in their birth name, and applied with that as their official name, but the university’s application had a place to put preferred name. I Recall some questions about whether that preferred name was to be used on everything or only certain things. My dc chose for it to be used universally by the school.  Their preferred name that they go by is what’s on their student ID and in their student portal and on all their documents everywhere there. So, somehow this school seems to have a system that works pretty well for the situation. Not sure how standard that is.

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