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Daily Movement - Thursday, May 27

Jenny in Florida

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I ranged a little farther afield than planned this morning; I still don't have a full mental map of the new neighborhood, which includes several ponds/small lakes and a fair number of winding cut-throughs and walking paths that make it easy to get turned around. This resulted in me logging nearly 6K this morning, which isn't a bad thing, especially since I did get out of bed and out the door mostly on time. 

The extra-long walk did cut into the time I intended to devote to leg/arm exercises, though. So that was another somewhat abbreviated session still using my improvised equipment.

Spring Start Status Update: 539.2 of 500K

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Did my 5K row and stretches. When I say stretches, it's nothing impressive. I mostly stretch out my back/legs/shoulders a bit before and after to hopefully avoid any injuries, but it's not a long routine. It's Thursday, so only one more day this week! Rowing wears me out kind of like swimming does, since it is pretty much an all-over workout. I love swimming, but it takes a lot longer part of the day, and we don't have a club membership, so it's rowing for now. (Driving to the pool, changing, the swim itself, showering, driving back, etc. The rowing in my living room takes me between 32-33 minutes right now, and the stretching about 5.)

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27 minutes ago, Jaybee said:

Did my 5K row and stretches. When I say stretches, it's nothing impressive. I mostly stretch out my back/legs/shoulders a bit before and after to hopefully avoid any injuries, but it's not a long routine. It's Thursday, so only one more day this week! Rowing wears me out kind of like swimming does, since it is pretty much an all-over workout. I love swimming, but it takes a lot longer part of the day, and we don't have a club membership, so it's rowing for now. (Driving to the pool, changing, the swim itself, showering, driving back, etc. The rowing in my living room takes me between 32-33 minutes right now, and the stretching about 5.)

Sounds like you've got a good routine going! And, hey, whatever works, right?

We bought this house in part because the community has a pool within easy walking distance, but I have been so busy trying to close out the old rental house and get settled here that all I've done is walk past the pool enclosure. For the moment, I'm considering it a win when I manage to log my daily steps and do 10-15 minutes of leg/arm "exercises." 

I'm super impressed that you row five days a week. I find even the idea of 30 minutes of rowing exhausting.

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5 minutes ago, Jenny in Florida said:

I'm super impressed that you row five days a week. I find even the idea of 30 minutes of rowing exhausting.

Well, that's the goal. It isn't always reached, by any means. 

ETA: I am a creature of routine, when it comes to exercise. It might not be best for my body to stick with the same thing, but I am more likely to actually do it if I don't have to change around what I do most days. That's one reason I got the rower--so that it works more muscle groups at a time since I'm not going to be adding a lot of variety.

Edited by Jaybee
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