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Accountability Thread 4/18-4/24

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Afternoon, but better late than never?

Today's goals: Survive.

I'm not sure what's getting done next week other than I'm getting my second COVID jab tomorrow morning. I wasn't planning on giving the boys another week off, but I may have to. I'm up to my ears in caring for a baby kitten with health problems, there's seed starting to do, and I don't even want to think about how behind on house and writing I am at the moment.

So we may just take the week off and call it a read, write, draw, and study whatever the heck you want this week because I don't think I have a brain cell left to plan the week with at this point.

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Afternoon already. Everything is a blur at the moment. The kitten declined last night and I put her down around noon. So that was hard. I'm really broken up about it--far more than I'd expected to be--so that's hard. I'm extremely sleep deprived which isn't helping anything, so I am going to try to rectify that with a nap. I've got stuff to send out today, I have to remember to bring the lemon trees inside, I'm starving (because obviously eating didn't happen today), and just completely worn out. Probably going to need a few days buried in my manuscripts and garden seeds to recover probably.

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Morning. No, I don't feel any better. But it's morning, and there are things to do.

Today's goals:

House: chores

Garden: start seeds, repot succulents, pull in lemon trees tonight (DON'T FORGET!)

School: none

Writing: writers' meeting stuff, 2000 drafting, revise a chapter, morning pages

Art: paint something? I've got this new paper and haven't tried it out yet. Might be good for me to do that.

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I'm so, so sorry that the kitten didn't make it.  Thank you for caring for her; and do be extra kind to yourself.  (e-hug)

We're trucking along.  House is getting underway in terms of orderliness; today was fine with my goals, but got de-railed when I remembered that I was due to go over DH's grant materials.  He's a scientist trying to renew his Howard Hughes Medical Institute funding.  So we'll orient toward that over the day or two; there was an unexpected snafu. 

As a result, I'm behind on my fitness and the boys' fitness too.  So some PTSD problems, some physical problems for me until I get things going again; and tomorrow, we'll kick things off with the boys' run and strength training and then do round 2 in the PM. 

Also for tomorrow: house cleaning; clear out ivy with boys; Latin for everyone, piano for younger and I, math for elder and I, geography for younger and writing for elder. 

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Morning. Yesterday was much like Wednesday, and I think today will be too.


House: chores (it's supposed to rain so laundry is going to be interesting--we still don't have a dryer)

Cooking: none, leftovers

Gardens: check seeds, mist as needed

School: none (resuming next week-schedules tomorrow)

Writing: 4000 words over projects, critiques? some reading maybe

Art: paint something. I am in great need of something to paint today. I think I have some sketches on the right paper and will start with those.

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Oy vey!  kicking it off with a migraine, trying not to upchuck + stay somewhat functional.  I ought, perhaps, to have seen it coming, btw. not getting to enough fitness earlier this week, changing everything around to orient on the grant, and also some stress RE younger's piano lesson.   Maybe writing that out will help me be more assiduous about preventing future migraines. 

So, today:

  1. migraine protocol (brief bursts of aerobics + math on the hour, painkillers, anti-nauseals)
  2. House cleaning
  3. dinner.  ????  either some sort of meat (thawed and cooked) or souffles.  If I can kick the nausea, souffles + a treat for DH would be great, maybe molten lava cakes.  Odds slim on the latter but it might be an inspiring goal.
  4. Fitness for boys, fitness for me in bursts.  I can maybe add my strength stuff into the migraine protocol cycle. 
  5. Minimal school, school planning for this term/week.
  6. A great bonus for me would be to do some poetry work with the boys.

Blessings to all y'all out there 🙂 

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Morning!  Afternoon.  Oops!  never got around to posting this AM. 

Making notes for wrapping up this week, starting next. 

Today: troubleshooting Various.  Fitness for me (crazy important); boys (critical, too); housecleaning galore; troubleshoot Latin for younger, math for elder, and tool up for a week with plenty of music for younger, science for elder, and Latin, Math & English all around.

This week:

  1. RPG:
    1. Send info RE what my character is up to to the current DM
    2. Finish background reading for my next game, have a round or two of organization of my notes
  2. Fitness:
    1. Me: migraine prevention protocol; strength each day; yoga AM + PM. 
    2. Boys: DareBee strength + run, Sun - Fri OR do make-up the next morning.
  3. Elder school:
    1. Prepare for and take Latin final. 
  4. Younger school:
    1. Daily music, math, Latin & English + history and science readings.


Edited by serendipitous journey
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Yeah, that April was brutal to you is clear even from the view here.  Hoping May's smoother & sweeter, for sure. 

Today is pretty basic, bare minimum:

  1. migraine treatment/prevention protocol
  2. fitness for me a la the above; fitness for boys (so far, so good on that this week!!!)
  3. younger -- catching up in piano composition, work on music
  4. elder -- Latin final
  5. house cleaning, 2 rounds
  6. garden work, some + brainstorm how to amend for the lavender plants
  7. dinner will be delivery from a local Puerto Rican restaurant (desperation here, and DH earned some extra $$ this week)
  8. online composition lesson this PM
  9. since said lesson is messing up the planned date night, try to get out to a cafe with DH for dessert.
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I love lavender plants. But they don't do very well here. Too damp in the winter, too hot in the summer. I've had some success with them in clay pots. 

Just sticking with my scheduling today. I'm almost through with two of my novels (complete first drafts) and about to hit my goal for NaNoWriMo on one, so hoping to push these last two days of April and hit it. Mostly pushing today because I'm working tomorrow and it's hard to get words even at lunch sometimes.

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Morning!  You know, our lavender might want clay pots depending on where they go ... the soil here tends toward clay and when we get rain it comes in the winter (used to be very wet winters indeed, lately is more dry).  That's the main delay on getting them in the ground: I'd like to "amend" with some sandy stuff, and we don't have any on hand.  Hmmm.

Today, the goal is to engage as much as can be gracefully managed of:

  1. Migraine management (aerobic/math intervals):    1 2 3 4
  2. House cleaning, 2+ rounds:                                     abc abc
  3. House some of stuff I didn't get to this week:       15"
  4. Piano practice for me:    25"  25" 
  5. Fitness for me:                strength1 strength2 aero yoga
  6. Quick-and-dirty draft of next week:  15"
  7. Work on RPG. time:                          . 


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