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'Tis the season to talk about Quiver's Legendary Cin rolls...

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OK, I have a question....


I am thinking Quiver's Rolls would make a great gift - but I wanted to check with the hive to see if y plan would work. I plan to make the dough in the bread machine (works like a DREAM), pull it out, put the filling in it, roll it up, cut it, and stick it in a disposable pan. From there I am thinking about wrapping it up and freezing them. I could then deliver a frozen pan to a friend with directions and that insanely delicious frosting. The friend could then stick the frozen rolls in the fridge 1 day early (say on Saturday morning for Sunday morning rolls) - let them defrost and have the 2nd rise - and then they could bake them. I don't think sticking the frozen pan in the fridge at night would give it enough time to defrost and rise - right?


Do you think it would work?


Would they be as yummy?


Do you have any improvements or sugestions??

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I just threw the yeast in with the milk and sugar - it proofs faster that way - just make sure your milk isn't too hot or too cold (I warm mine for 1 min in the micro - then mix in the eggs from the fridge and it makes it a perfect temp to add the sugar and yeast). 1To proof the yeast the liquid (milk or water) should be baby bottle warm - testing on your wrist is a great cheater way to check temp. The yeast thing int he bread machine is only really temperamental when it's sitting for a while - in the dough cycle you can really have some fun.

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