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Accountability Thread 2/14-2/20

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Yay! A week off. Naturally, it's supposed to be below freezing and snowing all week. Can I pick em or what?

Today's goals:

Don't freeze to death

House: chores, see what can be done to warm up colder rooms, keeping a close eye on the chickens (they have multiple heat lamps, but it's very, very cold)

Cooking: making chili, cornbread, peach cobbler

School: none

Writing: I need to increase my word count this week and next, so trying for 5000 words today, Beta reading, reading for revision, personal reading--maybe. I do have a lot of Beta reading to do this week.

Art: class today? Maybe. I had a weird idea for painting with snowflakes that I might try if it starts snowing this afternoon.

Overall, mostly just try to stay warm, keep everyone else warm, and basically hibernate in my burrow.

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What a time for a crazy-cold snap, @Critterfixer!  Hope that the chickens AND the house stay warm, and that there's a pleasant coziness to offset the unfriendly weather.  Am interested in snow art.  And your dinner sounds especially delicious on a nippy night. 

Here we are just rainy. 

Well, our puppy came through!  and she is being, rather unhappily, crate-trained as we write.  She is sweet-tempered & quick to learn, and also shows strength of purpose: she whined for nearly 4 hours last night, AFTER she'd gone potty.  That'll be our main behavioral focus for the next day or two. 

Puppy training is taking a lot of time: thank goodness both boys & DH & I are all on board with the plan. 


  1. Puppy training; draft a sort of schedule for what we're doing.
  2. House: keep up with chores, write back to some folks for a table & wall pegs I'm trying to acquire
  3. School: term school (languages) and memory stuff.
  4. School planning: quick & dirty estimate of our next term: bringing Modern Times together for boys, getting science strong, keeping a focus on arts & including our CM stuff.  I think I'll call CM stuff "lifestyle" as opposed to the schooly bits. 
  5. RPG tonight, my friend is running it, hurrah!  but still probably takeout Vietnamese for dinner.


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Yes, snow has snowed. And it just keeps on snowing. We lost power yesterday and it got very cold. Thus, the chickens, all five of the cacklers, are in the house with us. Nobody is happy about it, but it beats freezing to death. We have 7 inches of snow on the ground, it's still falling, and there's a second wave coming in tomorrow evening that is supposed to bring 6-10 inches more. Thankfully, power is back today and I was able to do a little cooking. We aren't doing much. There's a tremendous need for energy right now, and the less we can use, the more is available for others. So we are relying mostly on our wood heat, and just trying to stay warm and not get too many wet clothes. Haven't done my snow art yet, been too busy. But it looks like I get another chance at it this week!

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Morning. More snow coming this evening, but it's sunny today. Catching up on housekeeping, cooking, and email as yesterday things were very slow in terms of connection speed. Not great today, but I should be able to do a few things. Expecting between 6-10 inches of snow coming in overnight and into tomorrow.

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That is a LOT of snow.  Hope that the power holds out for you & everybody is safe & warm.  Chickens, too. 

I finished yesterday's list sometime early this afternoon.  🙂  Well, except for the planning stuff.  Today's list is is similar with green & white pizza for dinner for DH & I, mozzarella & red sauce for boys and some time actually spent planning.  Here I go to do that, in fact.  !!

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Morning. Snowing. But I think we may not get as much as was forecast, so that's something. I'm glad. It's almost up to the top of my boots as it is, and I don't have hip waders.

Other than that, keeping up with chores, writing, cooking, reading, and that's about it. The housecleaning is pretty lacking. I've kept things from getting completely nasty, but with this much snow getting tracked in and having all the animals in the house, it's just going to be grungy until it's all over. So much for a productive week off school doing spring cleaning! I guess I'll schedule that for the next week off. 

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The snow has stopped! Yay! We have sunshine! Yay! It might get one degree above freezing today! Yay!

Today is mostly huddling together for one more day or so while things thaw somewhat. The chickens are still inside, and tired of it. One more day, I think. Other than that, keeping up with laundry, writing, and cooking.

I badly want to take off a few days at the first of the week for cleaning, but really can't justify it because it will probably still be a muddy mess outside. I think I'll just pick a week in March to take off in an impromptu fashion when the weather is nice and use it to do things like air out the house, fix a few things, plant tomatoes, work on the boy's greenhouse, etc.

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Where's a "Yay!" button when you need it?  🎉 for snow stopped, hoping that lots of sunshine comes your way. 

I remember my first winter north of Florida, and the Washington DC forecast that promised it would "warm up to almost freezing today": total shocker.  Must be maddening to not be able to clean things, esp. after being cooped up this week!  bet the chickens aren't the only ones who want them back in their roosts. 

Since we got our pup, I've had much worse chronic pain problems and yesterday was a true low, am focusing on some annoying but effective exercises I can do throughout the day to mitigate it.  Am grateful to have something that helps, wish it didn't take so much time. 

Today: nap to catch up on sleep; do chores; fitness all around. 

School is term-break school: languages only, Anki for both boys, piano for younger and some extra room/desk cleanup for elder.

Catch up on e-mail, hit some planning time for school, year, RPG; piano for me; pup training.


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Yes, very glad that the melting has begun. I have to go to work Saturday, and as our roads are never plowed, it's good to see the sun!

Today's goals: mostly keep on keeping on. The chickens get to spend nearly all day in their house, which they will like. I get to think about cleaning up when all is done, which will be tomorrow in terms of extreme cold. We'll be back to usual winter temperatures after that. Keeping up with writing today, too.

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I have a rare Saturday at home. Today is going to be mostly planning, cleaning, writing. It's still very icy at the moment, but we should get well above freezing today, and they are saying we might be over 60 for a high on Tuesday. That will sure help, although it's going to be a muddy, muddy mess for a while, I think.

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