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Morning! It's not the last week of January, but I feel the Februaries coming on. I'm fighting a persistent headache since yesterday afternoon, and it completely derailed my writing plans.

Today's goals

Kill the headache

House: chores, groceries

School: schedules

Cooking: sandwiches/leftovers. I might make soup.

Writing: 2000-4000 words over WIP, query and synopsis for another, possibly draft query and pages for another story idea that demanded my attention yesterday when my head was pounding and I couldn't write it out, finish two personal reads and order a few more books.

Art: work on on project (major color work, so easy stuff today)

Exercise: Walk 4 miles (see kill the headache plan)

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Today's list:

House: chores, bed, bathrooms

School: usual

Cooking: grilling burgers, fries, cauliflower, root beer floats

Writing: 4000-6000 words today, personal reading, critique work, synopses

Art: continue project (flower painting this week, and I need to sketch today)

Exercise: walk 5 miles

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We hit schoolish stuff this AM, some chores. 

For now:

  • draft RPG to-do list; go over how to tell the group I need to break from GMing until March, to work on campaign + other stuff
  • breathe.  🙂
  • various stress-management stuff: bursts of exercise & math, eat well, get outside some.
  • prep game
  • do a few chores
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Morning. Barely. But I've been at it for a few hours already.

Today's goals:

House: chores, bed, bath (didn't get to these yesterday)

School: usual

Cooking: baked potato night

Writing: 4000 words, finish a critique, writers' group, reading a story of mine headed for revisions in February.

Art: continue projects

Exercise: 2-4 miles walked. Depends on how I feel.

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Morning. I woke up with a return of a terrible headache that had me down on Saturday and Sunday. Don't know how much I'll get done today, but failure is not an option!

House: chores, sweep and mop kitchen

School: usual

Cooking: pizza night (thank goodness)

Writing: 4000 to 6000 words, personal reading, query stuff

Art: continue project

Exercise: Walk 2 miles

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Good morning.  I plumb forgot to check in yesterday, after a day of craziness ...

@Critterfixer: hoping your headache subsides and stays gone.  So sorry that it returned, and I hope the rest of life goes more smoothly as compensation. 

Today is math, languages; music focus for younger; some time to plan; household things to manage; chores; dinner -- ????  maybe homemade pizza, we're eating early b/c younger has online piano at 6; fitness. 

Plus, gratitude for peaceful transitions of power in our democracy. 

Notes here:

  1. moody teen threw things off a bit this am.  Going proactive on this:
    1. minimize impact of mood swings, downplay drama & don't reward it, keep calm & carry on
    2. Latin is an issue these days.  Need to crack down on his vocab acquisition (no device time until he has it down, less device time when he has to spend that time mastering vocab) AND start pulling in MP Form Latin review for forms, grammar questions.
    3. may need to re-instate Greek, since a great attitude at school was the condition of him dropping it.  Fun.
  2. Get more stuff into Anki. 
Edited by serendipitous journey
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Sadly, the day didn't listen to you, @serendipitous journey The headache didn't either, but it did decide to take a backseat, and that was a good thing. All I managed yesterday was 2000 words on one project, and I wrote most of them between 7 and 9 pm. But, I did write!

Today's goals:

Don't have more things happen than did yesterday. That would be good.

House: chores, house sweep

School: usual

Cooking: Breakfast for dinner

Writing: 4000-6000 words, personal reading, Beta reading, revision reading. All the reading.

Art: continue project

Exercise: walk 2 miles.

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So sorry to hear about your head, and about the rest of life not being accommodating.  Hope springs eternal &c, so: am hoping today was better!

Yesterday's dinner was such a disaster that we were all laughing hysterically.  Well, DH was good-naturedly grimacing.  Nonetheless: all were fed and the grilled pizza wasn't too burnt for DH & I to eat; boys had various stuff we could cull from the 'fridge.

And: g'evening!  Today was a satisfactory hodge-podge of school, chores, a couple of errands, some RPB work, and decompressing. 

Also: this afternoon was my first real break from a back pain I've developed in a couple of weeks.  want to note what seemed to work: 1. took break from running for a couple of days; 2. picked up micro-ballet; 3. did yoga; 4. did mini-step aerobics session(s) of 5".  And rotated NSAIDS 😉  Hope it works again tomorrow. 

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