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Accountability Thread 1/10-1/16

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Morning. It's cold. But it's January and that's okay here.

Today's goals:

House: chores, spring cleaning planning (ugh)

School: none, but I need to do a Latin lesson tomorrow and read Beowulf, and possibly start The Calamitous 14th Century again, because I love that book. The boys are starting Henle 3, and I realized I don't know enough about Cicero, so that's on my list of books to find. I'm thinking of picking up a few of his works and reading them for myself.

Cooking: none today

Writing: Editing, 2000 words on other manuscripts, personal reading

Art: continue one project, start two others, art class today

Exercise: Walk two miles


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Today is an assess / evaluate & plan day.  I might update stuff here for my notes. 

Things to assess: school; school planning; fitness for boys & for me; rpg; home stuff; garden stuff; year planning, include something sort of marvelous. 

  1. most urgent: get house organized and steady-state-ish.   what's feasible? 
  2. RPG: figure out what is feasible.  I'd like get to a place of being non-urgent and with a finite amount of work per session.  deliverables: campaign concept map; to-do list for each session with links / resources; basic physical maps for each place; essential challenges / adventures for each location.  Feasible? 
  3. school: ordered books &c.  Oh my goodness that took a while, and I'd already done most of the work ...
  4. for tomorrow: contact used book store RE an installment plan for some books for DH.
Edited by serendipitous journey
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Afternoon back at you!  🙂 

Doing okay today, though RPG took an insane amount of time.  Sigh.  I'm _finally_ getting a handle on prepping the adventures, and one of my players very graciously is running the game for a week or two to give me a breather so that will help.  This is my boys' only non-family community at the moment, so it is worth extraordinary effort to keep the group together; but I absolutely need to cut back the time it takes each week.  I've been working toward that and am making progress, thank goodness! 

For now: clean like mad; do a quick memory review with boys before sending them off for chores.  Dinner, run RPG. 

Notes for tomorrow so I get going promptly: Up earlier (with DH).  School: Start by working with younger on science for 1 hour.  Math for both boys; languages for both boys; English too.  Chores & RPG.  What for dinner? and fitness all around. 

Edited by serendipitous journey
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Morning. Today is shaping up to be less busy than yesterday, but still busy.


House: chores, continue working on the spring cleaning lists

School: usual

Cooking: baked potato night

Writing: 4000 words, writers' meeting stuff, personal reading

Art: continue projects

Exercise: walk 4 miles

Extra: still have the CE stuff to get done. Didn't get to it yesterday.

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Today's goals: 

House: chores, kitchen. Try to get one of the spring-cleaning things done along with general stuff.

School: usual

Cooking: pizza night

Writing: 4000 words, possibly start a short story, personal reading

Art: continue projects

Exercise: walk 4 miles


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Today: various & sundry errands. 

Get some boxes ready to ship.

Pack up with masks & hand sanitizer and head out to post office; local game supply store; nursery; pick up prescription for MIL.

School: math, Latin + English for elder; hands-on stuff, math, language work (English or classical) for younger. 

Fitness all around.

Chores, RPG work, school planning work. 

Dinner: take-out date night tonight. 

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Morning! Big day today.

House: chores, quick sweep

School: usual

Cooking: beef stew, blondies

Writing: 4000 words, a short story, send a query, write a new query for a new story, draft the synopsis for it, critiques, personal reading

Art: work on one project, touch-ups on another

Extra: run to town for dog food and pine shavings for chickens.

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Morning!  That is a big day.  Esp. with going to town; that always seems to take a chunk of time here, even though we're quite close to town.  

Kicking it off with migraine management.  Hope to get back later and flesh out: school; RPG; chores; home organization stuff; fitness.  Have no earthly idea what dinner will be tonight, but it'll be early so we feed younger before his 6pm online piano lesson. 

Hugs all around!  why not? 

Edited by serendipitous journey
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Morning! I survived yesterday and got most everything done. I didn't get that new query and synopsis written, but I don't strictly have to have those right now, so.

Today's goals:

House: chores

School: usual

Cooking: leftovers

Writing: 4000 words over projects, do that query and synopsis, short story, start reading a story for revisions in late January/February, look at goals/schedule for pacing through those months, personal reading

Art: Finish book cover today

Exercise: walk two miles


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