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Accountability Thread 12/13-12/19

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Afternoon! I've just returned from the grocery shopping, which was a bit more stressful than last week. But it's raining, possibly going to snow, and everything is done. So let the relaxing begin.

Today's goals:

House: chores, decorating for Christmas

School: none

Cooking: taco meat, chips, tortillas, caramel apples, hot chocolate

Writing: 2,500 to 5000 words, personal reading

Art: class cancelled, paint at home, working on three projects

Exercise: none today unless it starts snowing, in which case, I'm going for a walk in it!

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Oooh, I want to have dinner at your house!  🙂 

Today got a bit derailed by a false-alert on the puppy front: we're due for a puppy in February, and the breeder thought she might need a home TOMORROW for a puppy from her current litter but it turned out that she didn't.  She is being lovely and not at all messing with us, but it was a rather chaotic-feeling Saturday evening + Sunday morning. 

Left: exercise (boys, me); language work, math, music for boys; we missed lunch reading but I'd like to do some Bible, some holiday prep, some RPG prep, and make dinner.  Also general chores. 

This week's short list: finish holiday prep, holiday baking, school stuff, prepare for puppy, work on game, fitness. 

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Boys have been to dentist, with predictable results: no cavities, need more work on brushing though. 

Here's what's up today:

  • RPG: most urgent, I need to sketch out my game.  Tonight's will be challenging.  Plan for:
    • outline what I need to do for admin at beginning of game
    • outline recap essentials, including that characters do not have to voluntarily enter embedded world
    • variable number of players
    • initial encounter on ice
    • landscape, world on ice and en route to port city Kiati -- sketch out Kiati, including transport to/from 'cause it floats.  Regular boats for hire, of various sizes, shuttling about?  scanning shore for folks who want to get out there?  if you don't have money, indentured work for a few days to pay?  how enforced?  &c.
    • plan trigger for voluntary transition to embeded world
    • backup trigger for involuntary transition
    • plan range of events after transition:
      • short: get the lay of the land + one item of interest/importance
      • medium: ???
      • long: just have an idea of how to accomplish this -- almost certainly won't use it, but might need it
  • post on reddit forum for help on making a pre-game/game-prep checklist
  • fitness for boys: run, strength
  • school for boys: language, music for younger, math (algebra) + literature for elder
  • home: engage cleaning, meals
  • other: (to be added as I need it)
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Morning! Mostly recovered from being tired. Here's what I have to do today:

House: chores, finish Christmas decorations

School: usual

Cooking: baked potato night, but I also need to prep steaks for Christmas day and freeze them, bake chicken for a pot-pie tomorrow, and make cheese rolls.

Writing: 5000-7000 words, personal reading

Art: continue projects

Exercise: Walk 5 miles

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Morning! Much less cold today--I won't freeze on my walks like I did yesterday.

Today's tasks:

House: chores, kitchen

School: a lot of tests today--wrapping up before break

Cooking: chicken pot pie, broccoli, I might make a lemon pound cake

Writing: 5000 to 7000 words, personal reading

Art: continue projects

Exercise: walk 5 miles

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Morning. What an evening. I have a sick person, had to relocate all of my stuff to the front room so the sick person could be completely isolated, and now I've got to make some phone calls and sort everything I moved. 

Today's goals:

House: chores, sweeping

School: none today (and only one subject tomorrow)

Cooking: chicken and rice, broccoli, rice pudding

Writing: 5000-7000 words, personal reading

Art: continue projects (once I've got everything put where I can get to it and put it away easily)

Exercise: Walk 5 miles (once it warms up--it's extra cold this morning)

Extra: phone calls

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Morning!  Oh my, the week has flown by -- sorry I've been away. 

  • Today we're doing a language & music push for younger: he has a test tomorrow;
  • focus on art with some math + some literature for elder: his tests are done;
  • fitness for boys: run, strength
  • fitmess for me
  • early dinner before younger's Zoom music lesson -- his teacher is in China right now.  Will be ready-to-eat pulled pork; salad of some sort; bread item; fresh veggies. 
  • make kettle corn to munch on just for the holiday heck of it
  • tree decorating "party" with my MIL (she lives in attached apartment) after piano lesson
  • bedtime stories for boys (following a couple nights of watching "Elf" before bed)
  • work on RPG: read over part 2 of adventure, clean up notes, work on session prep list + check Reddit post, add what I've learned
  • extra credit: get wreath on gate


Edited by serendipitous journey
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Afternoon. Sigh. Life got super intense these last few days.

Today's goals: mostly went out the window due to sick dog this morning. Still waiting on sick person's test results. I slept on the couch again, and I've concluded there's no way to get comfortable on it, so I'll just sleep uncomfortably. 

Remaining goals:

House: chores and don't make any messes. Got enough to clean as it is!

Cooking: see don't make messes.

Writing: 2000-5000 words over all three projects or just whatever interests me today

Paint: continue present projects

Extra: deal with sick dog (she feels much better after medicine, but I'm still watching her.


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Oh sweetie, hang in there.  Hmm.  That may sound patronizing: it isn't meant to be.  I mean, I'm sort of in awe of the stuff you juggle on a normal day.

Hoping all the sick ones in your home recover well & soon. 


  • younger: Greek final plus plenty of music, I'd like to spend just a quarter hour or so jotting down notes on his educational plan. 
  • elder: helped younger study; is doing math/coding with DH Write up his lit. crit. for "The Importance of Being Earnest".  Ideally, finish his art project (he finished, it just needs a more stable base).  And I'd like to spend just a quarter hour or so jotting down notes for his plan, too.
  • me: fitness, prep for tree decorating with MIL this afternoon/evening, catch up with DH, take elder on an errand to get materials for the Christmas gift he's making for his brother.
  • house: clean, wrap a few presents (one for each boy, ideally one for MIL + DH too). 
  • RPG: try to get PDF into Kindle format, work on rules review. 
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@Critterfixer: those are wonderful to look at!  The expression on your cat's face is captivating, and I enjoy the way light/dark balance keeps my eye moving around the picture ... and the tree just makes me feel happy, happy, happy in meditative sort of way.  Thank you for sharing these: what a holiday treat. 

Edited by serendipitous journey
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