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Analytical Grammar -- Modifiers


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I am a bit confused by this. We have used AG before, but I am running my ds through Grammar Planet (online AG) because he had forgotten a lot of what he had learned. He is currently going over Modifiers -- which they claim modify adjectives but do not answer the questions "how" or "to what extent." I admit I am a bit confused. Would not anything that modified an adjective be an adverb? I don't understand marking it as a Modifier instead of an adverb. Anyone able to explain this?

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In the written text she distinguishes in the first lesson between the NAMES of words like noun, article, and adjective and the JOBS they do, i.e. articles and adjectives are modifiers. Adverbs being an extension of that.

I don't understand why she excludes answering "how" and "to what extent" though! In the text she says those questions are answered by adverbs that modify adjectives or other adverbs, so.... Perhaps this is a percentage approach, first introducing adverbs that modify verbs (moveable) and then later adverbs that modify adjectives and adverbs?

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