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If you were offered a teaching job at a small private school where your children would attend, would you consider it?


I have been called by a school here about which we have heard excellent things. Their high school science teacher has had to quit because of medical reasons. I've taught some high school science before, but my degree is in math. I will definitely be praying and probably go visit on Friday to check it out, but here's my concerns. I just wanted other people's thoughts.


My ds is Kindergarten. His school work here at home only takes 1.5 to 2 hours, and he's basically free a lot of the rest of the time to play and have fun. He's a grade ahead in math, so will he be bored? One positive thing is that he all ready knows the K teacher. She was his Sunday School teacher last year. How hard a transition would it all be for him? He heard me discussing it and has all ready said he doesn't want to do it, but I told him it isn't definite. He has been the one all along that was the most reluctant to change.


My dd is 6th grade. She is not a typical pre-teen girl, and I like that. She isn't all into hair, makeup, clothes, or boys. She is rather independent, and from what I can tell at church or around others, doesn't go out of her way to change to make people like her, so it might be fine. She is also a grade ahead in math. I really want to know the atmosphere of the middle school before I would consider it.


Any thoughts at all?

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I agree with JFS. I have a friend who is a longtime homeschooler. She taught for 2 years at their church school so she could have the income and the added benefit of having free tuition for her kids (she's got 8, with 5 school-aged). This year she is back to homeschooling. She's dealing with untraining attitudes in one of her sons, weight gain in another, and the schedule was tough . . . and she was part-time! With the amount of time you're spending on homeschool, I think you'd spend at least that with helping your kiddos with homework, shuttling around, etc. . .


Maybe there'll be a season for it later - that's what I tell myself when I give up "great opportunities" to homeschool. Also, something else might come along that you can do at home if you need the income. Pray.


Kimm in WA

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Thanks for the responses! I will definitely be praying about it. My gut reaction was no, but I don't want to put God in a box and miss something he might have for our family.


We could use the money, but I am scheduled to do a quick tax class and do taxes in an office here in town. So we know there will be some extra money coming in over the next few months. The amount for the taxes would be far less, I'm sure.


God has always provided anytime there has been a need, I guess I just want to make sure whether or not this position is to provide for something big we don't know about yet!

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I visited the school today. I was very pleased with it. The director said right off that they were not a traditional school. They believe in a hands-on approach to learning, not just textbooks and workbooks. The school is at a campground, and he said the kids actually spend a lot of time outdoors. They do not assign homework, except the occasional project or so. He said if we can't get it done in 7 hours then we're not doing something right. Many of the students are former homeschool students, also.


They do something called synergy which is each month the entire school studies the same topic. That's about an hour a day, and a good part of Friday mornings. They have chapel every day for 30 minutes.


The base pay is good, and I do think we could benefit financially. We're paying the bills, but we haven't been able to put hardly any money in savings besides a little we do have. We've had $550 in extra bills this month from my husband's car and our water heater.


I would have the option to be part-time. School is 8-3 Monday -Friday. If I'm part-time, I would teach only 4 subjects Monday-Thursday. My hours would be 7:45-2:15. I'd be able to drop the kids off on Fridays and go get groceries, do errands, etc. The full time base pay was only $2k a year more, but that would mean more to prepare for as well. I didn't get all those details.


It's the only private school in town, at this point anyway, that I would even consider for my kids. Please, if you pray, pray that I'll know what to do.

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