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Accountability Thread 8/9-8/15

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Morning, Accountables!

Today's tasks:

House: usual chores, figure out the weekly cleaning schedule. I have a few projects I want to get to, and this is my last week off querying, so I need to do them.

School: schedules

Cooking: bacon, eggs, pancakes

Writing: Get through three chapters or four chapters today in revisions, and go back and fix a few things in a previous chapter, or leave it and see if I like the fallout. Continue scene index and synopsis. I'm over halfway through this book now, and it's better, but not great yet. Probably needs one more go through to make sure I've got everything ironed out the way I want it.

Personal reading and an art project planned.

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Morning!  First thing: get list for today + this week.  If all goes well I'll report back later & update.  🙂  

Adding: schedule term's Christian Studies and MP States & Capitals + Astronomy for younger.  Good news!  I know what the term is: the 18 weeks of school between now and our Christmas break.

Edited by serendipitous journey
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Morning! I've been up and doing since around 7, so good for me. 

Today's schedule:

House: cat boxes, laundry, dishes, bed, bath

School: usual schedule

Cooking: chicken and dumplings, cauliflower, pumpkin bread, preparing for another round of salsa making.

Writing: Revise three chapters, scene index, synopsis work continued, personal reading. I'm close to the point where I can query this story at least in a preliminary fashion. Probably ready by Friday if I am ready.

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Morning!  whoo-hoo to Those Among Us Who Were Up and About at 7:00!!!

Today's school: minimal: touch on math, grammar/writing, quick French + memory work (CS, poetry, MP). 

Home: also minimal: few chores, do sheets, water outside.

RPG: this is bigger: prep game, go over last week's list, figure out how to handle characters of my players who have to be away this week, set things up for my DMing break of few weeks.  Spend 15-20 minutes after game taking notes. 

Planning term: I need to sketch in enough to get us going tomorrow with stuff I'd like to finish before Christmas.  For elder, that means adding his Christian Studies schedule and locating a living book for geography; for younger, add in various MP subjects (Astronomy, States & Capitals, D'Aulaire's, Christian Studies) + science (look at RSO Astronomy, McHenry Elements, RSO Chemistry) + SoTW reading. 

Fitness for boys esp.  Ideally me too. 

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Morning. I was up and abroad at seven again today, but only because I forgot to turn off the well water last night and DH discovered it this morning. My bad--I hope all is okay with the pump. It will need all day probably to recharge so we can see.  I won't excuse myself for forgetting to double check, but I did have a lot on my mind last night and two things that needed to get done weren't done. So I need less to do or more brain.

House: cat boxes, dishes, laundry

School: usual, some planning

Cooking: same as yesterday--I did get the chicken baked but we opted for fried okra and broccoli, and I didn't make soup or pumpkin bread.

Writing: Three more chapters and start implementing some story solutions I was thinking over last night when I went off to write them down and forgot the water. Gah. Personal reading, writer's meeting stuff. 


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Morning. Another early start for me. This time, it was over a pair of missing pants, but the problem was solved.

Today's goals:

House: cat boxes, laundry, dishes, kitchen

School: usual, some planning

Cooking: beef stew, cornbread, salsa, something for dessert--apple pie?

Writing: Three more chapters, maybe four, continue the scene index, synopsis work on the long one, and then update the short version, personal reading, writers' group critiques as they come in, prep query letters to go out on Friday.



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Morning. I can't believe I got through all that yesterday. But I did.

Today's goals:

House: cat boxes, laundry, dishes

School: light day

Cooking: leftovers

Writing: Prep submission packages for the novel I've been working on, and continue editing on the few problem scenes I think could be better. I have maybe six total of those? Got them marked. Continue revising for word count. Personal reading. Scene index and synopsis work continued.

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Today's goals:

House: cat boxes, dishes, laundry

School: usual

Cooking: leftovers

Writing: Work through this next act of the story in edits, synopsis work on the long synopsis, scene index work continued, personal reading, send queries.

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Critterfixer, from here it looks like you've had a super busy week.  Whoo-hoo!

Okay, I'm taking a moment to review the week and think ahead.

The good: we incorporated Bible Studies this week, kept on track with the must-do list, and kept up with poetry memorization.  I did several e-mail related chores and have been fairly successful at helping the boys be essentially well despite the loss of our dog (Monty Python and Dave Barry are both playing a large part in my Grand Plan). 

The could-stand-to-be-improved: not much math this week, no art or art/music history, and we need to bring on some history + science memory work.  The boys could use more time on piano but I need to seriously troubleshoot this.  Next week's big goals: keep going with our essentials, poetry memorization, oral French and Bible studies and add art + art/music history.  Will need to plan time for this. 

Also, house was seriously neglected this week.  Garden too.  I'm going to need to teach the boys to do more chores & give them more responsibility. 

I'm on a break from running the group's RPG.  This weekend I'd like to make sure my character for the current campaign (ie, not mine) is ready to go and have spells printed out and be familiar with his skillset.  Then, work on my story/campaign world/system knowledge. 

All in all, so much to be grateful for and so much to do.  Rest of tonight: fitness for me, dinner (reheating stuff), walk or run, movie with DH. 

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