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Accountability Thread 7/19-7/25

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Morning! It's hot. I think it will continue to be hot.

Today's goals:

House: laundry, cat boxes, dishes, clean room

School: schedules

Cooking: burgers, peach cobbler, deal with leftovers and process anything that needs cooking today if possible

Writing: 2000-4000 drafting, same for revision, personal reading, writing schedule for August

Extra: cutting my hair today. Wish me luck.

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Evening!  Did some school today, prepped RPG.  The following are goals left over from Saturday, with a bit added. 

RPG: add possible spells for PCs to learn in adventure, draft gods.  ETA: also, have ready for game: fumble charts; critical charts; spells for the spellcasters; chart of characters + their goals/desired rewards.

Clean house, work in garden a bit, get a grip on younger's Latin schedule, get online language enrollment for Fall set up.  Make the johnny cakes that didn't happen yesterday.  😉 

Fitness for boys, exercise for me. 

Edited by serendipitous journey
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Afternoon! I was late getting here today. Had my wellness physical, and that just threw the morning completely out the window. Getting to work now.

House: dishes, cat boxes, laundry, bed, bath

School: usual

Cooking: pan-fried chicken, mashed potatoes, gravy, peach cream pie

Writing: 2000-4000 drafting, same for revision, personal reading, and NO critiques today! Yay!

My haircut is awesome. I'm sure it looks pretty terrible to other people, but it's cooler and I'm a lot happier. LOL.

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Morning. I didn't get to everything yesterday. I had a doctor's appointment in the morning and it kind of threw off my whole day. Can't let that happen so often.

Today's goals:

House: laundry, dishes, cat boxes, cleaning from yesterday (even the boys didn't get their stuff done--we were slugs, I swear)

School: usual, do some planning today

Cooking: same as yesterday as I didn't get that cooked, we ate leftovers.

Writing: 2000-4000 drafting, same in revisions, personal reading, writers' meeting stuff

Extra: painting

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Morning! It' a Weirdsday.

Today's goals:

House: laundry, dishes, cat boxes, kitchen (I actually might win at this because I'm not cooking today)

School: planning. Ugh. But it has to be done and stuff ordered. Soon.

Cooking: none. Lots of leftovers

Writing: 2000-4000 drafting, same for revision or a bit more. I want to power through to the end of Camp NaNo hopefully by the first part of next week if possible. Critiques for writers' group. Waiting on a critique of my first chapter from an agent, and waiting on a million queries. Those of you with aspiring writers in your house--tell them to work on patience, persistence, determination, and moving on, because that's what writing for publication is all about. But mostly, it's waiting.🤣

ETA: I had all this typed in to post at nine. But it rained, and so the internet was out most of the morning. 

Edited by Critterfixer
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Morning! More rain! Yay! That's a day I don't have to water.

Today's goals:

House: cat boxes, dishes, laundry

School: light day, boys are doing some thought experiments today to help with school planning

Cooking: small roast, some potatoes, broccoli, possibly a peach cobbler

Writing: drafting 2000-4000, same in revision, update word count later today, critiques, personal reading.

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Sorry I've been absent!  Quite a week, and this AM I woke up early to get started on my RPG and learned, as I checked for e-mail from my players, that our guardian dog's breeder (who picked her up for "testing" over three months ago and then never returned her, breeding her in the meantime) intends to keep her for the "foreseeable future".  Not happy news, not clear what can be done, general sadness. 

On the happier front: we're really well and quite fortunate generally. 

Today was a sort of processing day, not much got done, boys had a Zoom playdate.  I'm headed out for a run while they get to watch half of "Madagascar 3".  Then bedtime routines and tomorrow. 

AND: happiness on the rain, not-having-to-water-front, Critterfixer!

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Ugh over the dog. It sounds like the person kidnapped her!

I'll come back to post the day's schedule later. First thing this morning I have to go take care of something in town, so I need to deal with that and then see what is left for the day.

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Whoo for The Usual!  It is amazing to me how much The Usual accomplishes. 

No schedule yet for today; just saying thanks for your empathy, cf, and checking in to help me focus.  First things are to get notes out to my players and get some work done with boys.

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