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Entrepreneurial idea: Academic Coach of school kids during COVID

Suzanne in ABQ

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I'd like to talk about a possible entrepreneurial endeavor -- Academic Tutoring and Coaching 

As fall approaches and COVID is running rampant here, our local district has announced that they will be using a hybrid schedule. The kids will be IN school 2 days per week, and online the other 3 days.  I've seen on social media that a lot of parents are FREAKING OUT. Many parents are going back to work, but their kids are gong to be in and out of school, irregularly. Parents are wondering how they are going to keep their kids on track with their school work. I believe that some parents will be happy to pay someone to oversee their kids' schoolwork while the parents are working. 

Has anyone here thought about doing this?  My daughter, who homeschooled through 8th grade, went to b&m high school, and has graduated from college, is thinking of offering her services as a math and English tutor, as well as academic coach and schoolwork over-seer. We're having a hard time nailing down the details of what services she could offer, and how to market herself. Different age kids would require different services. Dd doesn't want to babysit, but would do well tutoring high school (math, English, Spanish, science). She could also teach kids about time management, organization, etc. She might be able to check in each day with the students, and go through their assignments, to make sure they get everything done. 

Do you think this is a marketable service? Have you thought about offering these types of services yourself? If so, what would it look like? Would you work exclusively online or over the phone, or would you be willing to meet with students in person? How would you market yourself? What services would you offer? What would you charge? 



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Yes, I have a friend that is doing this. She's asking for K-3 kids, enrolled in virtual school (our district is optionally 2 days in, 3 days home OR all virtual). She will have the kids all day in her home, provide breakfast, lunch, and snack. She is a retired early elementary teacher and will provide all help needed for kids to do their schoolwork. 

I thought it an interesting idea, but still more exposure than I'd prefer. Since we were homeschooling before COVID, it's not really anything I need, but I can see parents who both work full time loving this situation.

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