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Applied Engineering from Masterbooks


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2 hours ago, Evanthe said:

Has anyone used this?  Are there actually hands-on activities or labs?  Good?  Junky?  I appreciate any reviews or experience with this curriculum!  Thanks in advance!

Here's the link:  https://www.masterbooks.com/applied-engineering-studies-of-gods-design-in-nature-curriculum-pack

I have not used it but am following because it is on our list to try some day. I have heard/seen very little about it thus far.

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I have not used it but based on my experience with other Master Books' science courses, I can tell you that this one looks like a pretty full program. All of their courses follow a "read this and do this worksheet" format, and it looks like this course has kids reading and doing the worksheet on the same day. Their other courses spread it out more so they read and do the worksheets on separate days. There are hands-on activities built into the schedules and worksheets - there's one in the sample pages - but I can't tell how many there are overall.

From looking at the sample, it looks like one of the more well-done ones they have. It looks pretty interesting, too.

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I did some more digging in various sample pages and reviews on different sites and I found a Q & A at Rainbow Resource about the experiments. The answer only says, "The Applied Engineering Teacher book has pages 101-188 for experiments/applied learning. It lists what science it is covering, the focus, materials needed, the experiment and what the take away is."

That sort of makes it sound like every worksheet for the Made in Heaven book is an experiment/lab, but I could be wrong about that. All the labs in the sample pages I've seen are for that book. I think I'm right about that, because the description at RR partially reads: "As students read Made in Heaven, they'll also explore God's design through hands-on activities." The examples of what kind of labs are included:

  • Discover how the orientation of material determines a structures overall strength
  • Explore light waves
  • Observe the limitations of man-made camera lenses compared to the human eye
  • Investigate the complexity of the human brain

So that's maybe good and bad. There are lots of activities for that book, but maybe not many or none for the other books.

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I got a reply from Masterbooks.  I looked at the samples again and I'm buying it.  It looks very interesting.  Studying different animal anatomies and how those are used to invent things is just really interesting.  My 12 year-old seemed excited.  Here's what they said:

Thanks for reaching out to us! Applied Engineering is a biomimicry course. Students study how God's Creation has influenced science and discoveries. The hands on demonstrations begin about half way through the course (Day 107) and coordinate with the text Made in Heaven

The applied learning activities include demonstrations such as...

"Cleaning Like a Lotus Leaf"

"Robosquids and Jet Propulsion"

"Mathematics, Sunflowers, and Catching Some Rays"

Applied Engineering is a very popular course 🙂

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I don't have any experience with it but am planning to use it with my upcoming 8th grader.  It does have labs but all the lab sheets and all the quizzes are short answer.  The lesson plan has it so the labs are only in the second half of the year.  I went through and planned it out so that he reads from Discovery of Design and Made in Heaven every week (Men of Science every 3 weeks or so) so that we can do weekly labs.   I may just save them up and do two labs twice monthly (to flip flop with my daughter's art activities).  I'm planning to make my own quizzes for this reason but haven't started yet.  Instead of having him just answer questions for each reading assignment I am planning to have him outline or write a summary.  

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19 hours ago, Evanthe said:

I got a reply from Masterbooks.  I looked at the samples again and I'm buying it.  It looks very interesting.  Studying different animal anatomies and how those are used to invent things is just really interesting.  My 12 year-old seemed excited.  Here's what they said:

Thanks for reaching out to us! Applied Engineering is a biomimicry course. Students study how God's Creation has influenced science and discoveries. The hands on demonstrations begin about half way through the course (Day 107) and coordinate with the text Made in Heaven

The applied learning activities include demonstrations such as...

"Cleaning Like a Lotus Leaf"

"Robosquids and Jet Propulsion"

"Mathematics, Sunflowers, and Catching Some Rays"

Applied Engineering is a very popular course 🙂

Thanks for this! It does look really interesting. I'm going to see if my 12yo is interested in doing this next year or the year after.

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