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Open states/area and outdoor youth activities


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Can people who currently live in open states/areas tell me what they know about any outdoor youth activity that might be meeting in your area? 

I am on the organizing committee chair for an athletic team that trains year-round.  It is a non-contact sport and all spring/summer conditioning takes place outdoors.  The participants are age 13-19.  Our area just got "opened up."   We are to maintain 6 feet SD and are not to gather in groups of more than 10.  I am unclear if the group gatherings participants are also supposed to be 6 feet apart but am assuming so.    

My (and your) personal opinion(s) on whether we should allow group training (or anything about what we should or should not be doing during a pandemic) is irrelevant to the conversation.  I will decide at what level, if any, that I will allow my own child to participate.  I am interested in policies and precedents in places that came before us so that I can be informed when attempting to come to an agreement between parents, coaches, and athletes with vastly different ideas of what "opening up" means.  So I am hoping to keep the conversation on things that are actually happening not on what should happen or what you would do with your own dc.  If you are in an open location can you tell me:

1.  Are any outdoor youth activities, aside from childcare for essential workers, "legally" meeting in person?

2.  If so, do you know what parameters or rules are in place to prevent spread?

3.  For sporting activities, I am going to assume ALL do not allow person to person contact but are additional measures put into place to address additional aerosol for heavy breathing that comes with exercise?

It may be this is not happening anywhere so that would also be helpful for me to know....that you are in an "open" area but still have no outdoor youth activity that you are aware of. 

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Our private pool will be open with many CV restrictions and running swim team also with many restrictions and just for exercise, no meets.

Scouting organizations will be doing some outdoor activities. Horseback riding, paddling (canoes and kayaks), meeting outside, hiking, not sure yet on camping. 

At least one youth sports league will be running a six week summer season for baseball and flag football. 

Our city and state parks are open, though some facilities within them are still closed and I'm not sure if camping is permitted. 

Out Zoo plans to reopen when they are allowed to, with some CV-19 accomodations. 

My kids' small camp in a neighboring state is running day camps now and will run residential programs beginning in June.

Everyone knows that the governor and mayor can close things down again if hospital numbers or other metrics get bad.

Edited by ScoutTN
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