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Question on growing "sprouts"

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Many years ago I used to grow sprouts. I think it was just alfalfa and starting to grow broccoli sprouts....then I heard the bad news of possible mold growing in the jar which can be fatal....so I stopped growing sprouts. :glare:


I bought another package the other day. It's a 5 sprout mix. I was told by the clerk that this mix prefers the shade. He went on further to tell me to put it in a kitchen cupboard....but.......


The internet sites say NOT to do this. Consequently I am confused. :confused:


What is the MOST ACCURATE, THOROUGH AND SAFEST way to grow sprouts?


I know you put a little bit in a jar and rinse.

From that point on I'm clueless.

Day 1 - ??? rinse in warm water 2-3 times a day.

Tilt at 45 degree angle in put back in corner of kitchen counter were there is less light, but can still get circulation which is needed.


At day ????????? pull out into "light" for green effect to occur. How many days and starting when?


When are they finished?


Yes, the package comes with directions, but you know it's always easier to have more information...:001_smile: to make it more complete.


Long post for little sprouts...if you're an expert in growing sprouts please post or pm. Thanks a bunch!!! ;)

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If you take notice of every health scare, you wouldn't eat or do anything at all. Sure sprouts can start to go mouldy after a bit- you put them in the fridge once they are the size you want.

It's not rocket science. Soak them overnight if you want- I am not sure if that is necessary for the tiny ones though, like alfalfa, but I sprout all sorts of things and I usually soak them. Stick the jar upside down/on an angle on the kitchen sink, rinse several times a day with normal tapwater (or filtered water if you are fanatical). The rinsing keeps them fresh and moist but stops nasties growing, too. Once they are the right size, make sure they are well drained and store in the fridge. Easy.

They sprout whether you put them in the dark or not, so why bother?

They do need sunlight- just light actually, not direct sunlight- to produce chlorophyll though.

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