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To those who lost a parent this year

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Doran and Kidshappen and others..... I just want you to know that I hope your holiday will be okay. I know it must be sad on days like this.


We had Thanksgiving at our house for the first time. Mom died in the spring.


Thankfully, both brothers and my dad were with us. With brothers' kids. And 2 of dh's sisters. And their kids. :)


Thanks for the note. I appreciate the sentiment.

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Doran and Kidshappen and others..... I just want you to know that I hope your holiday will be okay. I know it must be sad on days like this.


That is so sweet of you to remember people who have lost a beloved parent recently. We had dinner at my mom and dad's today, and it was a lovely time. I noticed, though, that my sister and I seemed to automatically clean everything up, without really discussing it -- as though there was a tacit agreement not to leave our ever-older parents with this big Thanksgiving Dinner mess to deal with after we took our families home. There is an unspoken awareness of time passing, of parents aging, of the preciousness of holidays together with them...


... So to all who felt the loss of a loved one today... :grouphug:

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...how sweet of you!


My mother came up to be with us for Thanksgiving. She has spent only one major holiday with us in our 14 years here in MD -- that being the Christmas before our second daughter was born on Dec. 28. :) The other times, we have either missed being together (which had become the norm for Thanksgiving) or were at her house. So, it is very special to have her here. There were moments of nostalgia yesterday, for sure, but also much joy in just being together with our memories.


I know you and yours are also standing at the threshold of this transition, and I feel for you. It is quite a journey - all of it - but a necessary and, ultimately, good one, I think.


Hugs, dear. And thank you.

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