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The ZEN Teachers Lounge 12-16-2019


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Welcome to the Teachers Lounge! Come in and take a load off!

Today's theme: while I am not Buddhist, nor do I personally practice any type of Eastern mysticism, Zen conveys a message I think most people get: PEACE, no worries.
This year I've yet to truly feel "Christmas in the air" like I have WAY before the middle of December most years. And I've found myself feeling more stressed than anything, 
for some reason. TODAY in the Lounge, as soon as you walk in, I want you to feel PEACE. I want you to feel that load roll off your shoulders. Breathe. Relax. Sit. Have a cup
of coffee or tea. Put your feet up. There are not requirements or obligations here. Just be. Sleep if you need. Relax. Truly relax.

What is your favorite way to relax in the middle of a hectic day? Here:  sometimes a short cat nap. Sometimes, I take some time to watch a short tv show. Maybe have some tea 
and a snack with it.

What makes December "feel like Christmas" to you? Here: believe it or not, sometimes shopping (even on Black Friday on occasion - which I didn't do this year). Because I live in Phoenix, we don't really get snow here so when it's grey and rainy, and I listen to Christmas songs, that helps put me in the Christmas mood. We finally put our tree up last night so that helps, too.

Are you doing any holiday baking? Here: My kids (ages 21 and 15) want to bake and decorate cookies so I need to make sure we do that and it doesn't get forgotten like in years past!

Talk to me! 

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Oh no open up I’ve just arrived.

good luck with the biology class.  Hope you start feeling bit more christmassy soon.  Though it’s understandable if you don’t I think.

no baking here today and any teas or coffees have to be iced.  Feeling blurry eyed as I had a midnight chicken hatch and being the first time with a new incubator had to stay up to make sure it was drying out ok.  
schools out here so taking advantage of the hot weather to turn on the air con and start sorting the school room.

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