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Best text for history outlining?

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We have a super-busy year coming up and I’m trying to save as much of my own time and energy as possible. I’d like to settle on one text for my 6th grader to outline from throughout the year in history. We will be on early modern. What have you found works best? Kingfisher? K12 Human Odyssey? Thanks.

Edited by Sally Day
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We did not do outlining, but I seem to recall people saying K12 HO was a good text for outlining.  

I don't recall where HO2 cuts off and HO3 picks up, but HO3 has early modern and modern history for sure (if there isn't a little in HO2). HO3 is a short book compared to the other two volumes, which might be good in your case.  

ETA:  HO2 goes to 1914 and HO3 is 1914 to contemporary

Edited by cintinative
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