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Keeping Project Based Learning Productive and Beneficial

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If projects are an integral and productive part of your families homeschooling, then can you give me some insight on how you kept them evolving and productive as the years went by?

What does the division of labor look like between you and a 6th-8th grade compared with the division of labor between you and 9th-10th grade, and finally you and your 11th/12th grader?
What are some ways you support and scaffold  your 6th/7th grader that pay off hugely by the time they're 11th/12th graders.
How did you scaffold in support for them from Point A to Point B?



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I would say that modelling how to plan a project and break it up into manageable chunks is a good skill.

In years past, I'd help draw up mind-maps and then assign a portion to be worked on in a given week.

This scaffolding is getting less and less, as my daughter is now not overwhelmed with how big a project looks at the outset. 

Depending on the scope of the project, learning to develop a time-frame is helpful too ie setting yourself due dates for each of the manageable chunks.

My goal is that when my daughter hits tertiary study, she'll be able to tackle assignments and projects confidently and efficiently, and avoid initial overwhelm and also any last-minute panic.

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@Heigh Ho how do you address problems/sticking points during the weekly meetings? Do you spell out for the kid what they have done wrong/where they've gotten off track, or do you send them to find and fix their own errors?

How long do you let them flounder, before wading in to save them from themselves? Or do you use a sink or swim model?
Do you let kids choose if/when to pull the plug on a project?

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