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Vent- perhaps I expect too much of people and feel free to add yours


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This is just a vent about expecting people to actually do stuff.

DD is in something that has decided to do a camp out.  It is in one week.  I only know where it will be.  No idea on what food we need to bring ( last I heard each kid was to contribute to the meals), what to bring or what time.  I emailed and spoke to the leader in person who goes I haven’t figured things out yet.  The leader told me that she has a tent that says it sleeps 6 adults so 8 teens should fit in it.  Most of these kids are over 5’5” so no it won’t. 

It is for 8 teens so not a lot of kids.  And why haven’t you planned yet?  The teens don’t know either as the leader has a bit of control issues.  All I have to do is keep telling myself that this is the last year.  DD knows that due to lack of info I might not let her go on this. 

This was just a vent.  Feel free to contribute your own vent. 

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About two years ago, I stopped believing anyone who promised to do anything, ever. I prepare as if they are going to flake, so I can manage for my own family, and just hope to be happily surprised if nobody flakes. 

They always flake.

In my son's new community theater group, which is supported mainly by parent volunteers, there are three moms who *never* flake. They are wonderful. They don't know this, but in my mind I have attached myself to them as if they were blood relatives, and I stand ready to lead, follow, or die, throughout our entire theater experience. If I could write them sonnets, I would. Meeting them has been like finding a trio of Mary Poppinses in a world full of Dufflepods.

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My vent:

I have a friend that constantly cancels on planned events at the last minute.  She has a really complicated and full schedule, so I asked her specifically for dates and times that would work for us to get together with the kids.  Gives me a day and time.  Great!  I order supplies for the activity we are going to do with the kids on that day.  

Day of the event? She cancels a few hours prior because she isn't feeling well.  *sigh*  You can't help it if you don't feel well, but this was the 4th? 5th? time something like this has happened in as many months.  It's always something.  She said she'd pay me for the supplies, but I didn't hear anything from her about it, so I gave the supplies to someone else and told friend not to worry about it;  she sometimes has money trouble, so I thought this might actually be a relief to her.  Now she seems miffed I let someone else buy the supplies.  "I would have paid you for them".  Ok, but when?    

The real crap part of this is that the kids get along great!  They have a great time together, but it's the parent that can't or won't prioritize this friendship.        


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1 minute ago, MissLemon said:

My vent:

I have a friend that constantly cancels on planned events at the last minute.  She has a really complicated and full schedule, so I asked her specifically for dates and times that would work for us to get together with the kids.  Gives me a day and time.  Great!  I order supplies for the activity we are going to do with the kids on that day.  

Day of the event? She cancels a few hours prior because she isn't feeling well.  *sigh*  You can't help it if you don't feel well, but this was the 4th? 5th? time something like this has happened in as many months.  It's always something.  She said she'd pay me for the supplies, but I didn't hear anything from her about it, so I gave the supplies to someone else and told friend not to worry about it;  she sometimes has money trouble, so I thought this might actually be a relief to her.  Now she seems miffed I let someone else buy the supplies.  "I would have paid you for them".  Ok, but when?    

The real crap part of this is that the kids get along great!  They have a great time together, but it's the parent that can't or won't prioritize this friendship.        


My sister used to do this to me when our kids were little (mine and hers are stairsteps of each other, so all very close). 

I stopped telling my boys when their aunt/cousins were coming over, because so often she'd cancel last minute and then I'd have disappointed children, instead. 

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my vent is a different sort of inconsiderate-ness -- 

my mom had knee replacement surgery in December; she wanted me to come stay, asked me for dates, and scheduled it when it wouldn't work for me, anyway. Then was annoyed that I couldn't come, even though unbeknownst to me, her nurse sister had already volunteered and was planning to come. 

Fast forward to now, she told me a while back she had her check up June 7 and was going to try and schedule the other knee for July, when could I come?  Then just before she went for her appt, something we had scheduled for June 9 got bumped to July 14; I messaged her to let her know. She was upset b/c that was the week she was hoping to do her surgery. I let her know my other dates -- including that I did have a thing on the 18th to 21st, but if absolutely necessary I could be flexible with that; a later date would be better. So, of course, she picked the date that had me going down the 18th. 

Then last night I get a text saying she's "thinking about postponing" because she had, again unbeknownst to me, dropped her supplemental insurance and now had just Medicare, which would leave her a much higher hospital bill. 

Luckily I had not yet emailed to cancel my thing on the 18th, but we had talked 2 or 3 times between the appt and the text last night, and she'd not mentioned it at all. Neither had she talked to her doctor again between then, so why she didn't mention that from the get go is beyond me. 


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