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Anyone have experience with the Institute for Excellence in Writing?


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I'm thinking I need to add a writing component for dd. We currently use spelling workout, FLL, Zaner-Bloser handwriting but not a specific writing/literature book. I had always felt that the narration excercises in SOTW and our science were sufficient, but now I'm wondering. I looked at the program online though and don't know if it would work for us. It looks complicated and expensive, and I hate technology approaches. I would love to hear if anyone uses this curriculum though and what they think of it. Or any other suggestions would be very welcome.

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But IEW has been the greatest blessing for our writing.

I had tried everything else, I didn't want to learn how to teach writing!

By 3rd grade my dd had chosen writing to be "the battle". Insisted she was incapable and it was a mess. Absolutely refused to write as much as a paragraph.

Then my friend asked if she would come do IEW with her 2 kids. So I was slowly eased in to it. But now, especially with the theme based writing, I am a huge IEW fan. And I am looking forward to starting my little one in Fables, Myths, and Fairytales next year when she is in 3rd grade.

I have watched the TWSS a bit at a time and learned a lot. I do borrow it though, I can't afford it outright.

I will share that my dd who chose writing as "the battle" now writes for fun in addition to assignments and writes assignments well and with competence.

The formulaic part of it gets kind of agonizing as the papers get longer and there are more techniques involved so after 4 years we are not always insisting that they make and mark them all. So we are branching off a bit here and there now but I wouldn't hesitate to use it again.

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I'm not crazy about DVD programs either, but IEW has been a great fit for our family, and I don't regret a penny we've spent on it. This is our second year using it, and I'm seeing such improvements in my children's writing. It's really exciting! I have one child who is more creative, and IEW gives him the latitude to have some fun with his compositions. My other child is more the "just the facts" type, and IEW works for her as well.


Good luck in your decision :)



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I'm thinking I need to add a writing component for dd. We currently use spelling workout, FLL, Zaner-Bloser handwriting but not a specific writing/literature book. I had always felt that the narration excercises in SOTW and our science were sufficient, but now I'm wondering. I looked at the program online though and don't know if it would work for us. It looks complicated and expensive, and I hate technology approaches. I would love to hear if anyone uses this curriculum though and what they think of it. Or any other suggestions would be very welcome.


My son is using SWI Level B thru a co-op and I am very pleased with it. In just 3 short months, I have seen his writing and his self confidence improve greatly! The first week it was torture for him and took 3 hours to do one assignement, but now he is zooming thru them and getting good marks on his papers from the teacher! I think his writing is quite nice :) He still has a way to go before the end of the year, so I can't wait to see what the end result is.

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SWI is dvd based; theme based writing is workbook based.


I think grades 4-6 are a great time to start IEW depending on the maturity of your dc. I like to start a typing program in 5th grade and then writing in 6th grade. The dc's spelling, maturity and typing skills are then at a point that makes writing/comp. much easier.

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