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Question on the pre-orders of TOG year 2 and 3


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I asked on the TOG boards and didn't receive a response so I am hoping someone here knows. In the newsletter they said they will send the year plans to the pritner when they recieve 450 orders. I am wondering if they need to wait till they have 450 of both year plans or will they print each year plan as it hits 450 orders?

Edited by Quiver0f10
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I thought I read that year 2 is complete and ready to print, just waiting on the 450 orders. Year 3 is still being completed - unit 3 is hoping to be done by dec, unit 4 by early next year. They said that they would send the whole year plan to the printer at one time, so I am assuming that they will not be able to print year 3 until close to feb 09. So, even though year 3 is in the lead, there will be a longer wait for it.


Please correct me if I am wrong!!

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I thought I read that year 2 is complete and ready to print, just waiting on the 450 orders. Year 3 is still being completed - unit 3 is hoping to be done by dec, unit 4 by early next year. They said that they would send the whole year plan to the printer at one time, so I am assuming that they will not be able to print year 3 until close to feb 09. So, even though year 3 is in the lead, there will be a longer wait for it.


Please correct me if I am wrong!!


You are correct. My thinking when I posted was that neither one will likely reach 450 before Year 3 is completed, but you never know.

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You are correct. My thinking when I posted was that neither one will likely reach 450 before Year 3 is completed, but you never know.



You're right, that makes complete sense! I guess I've been living in a dream world thinking that they'd reach 450 fairly soon.... :001_huh: They said that 450 is not an unreasonable sales goal given past sales, but they didn't really specify for what time length.

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So, you think year 2 will be ready and shipped before fall of 09? I have no idea how long it takes to reach 450 orders LOL.


I think it will quite likely be shipped before the fall of '09, since right now is really a slow time of year for curriculum sales. Once March and April roll around, the sales should really pick up.


According to the bulb, they have already gotten about 130 year 2 orders in the past couple of weeks.

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Oh Yeah! Y2 has gotten to 130 orders! I was getting a bit worried because the last two times (days) that I looked at the "bulb" it had not progressed past 110. I won't need my Y2 until Aug '09 and my Y3 until Aug '10! So I am in no hurry whatsoever...just a bit worried that they will NEVER reach 450 and I will be stuck purchasing the digital version. :tongue_smilie:


One thing to take into consideration for those of you who want the printed version but don't have the money now to pay for it. They will NOT charge you for the Year plan until it goes to the printer, and even before they do they said that they will notify us when it's time and give us about a week to back out of our pre-purchase should we desire too. So pre-order and put a bit of money away each payday. If you don't have enough to pay for your plans when it's time to send them to the printer...back out if you have too. There is to be a small fee to do so ($25 I think) but at least you CAN back out should hard times hit and the money must go elsewhere. I have pre-ordered mine with a 0% cc. The 0% will last until tax season. I can then pay in full when our refund arrives. I always pay for our schooling materials with our tax refund, so this will be no different.


Also, by pre-ordering Y2 and Y3 you are not only getting a $25 discount for each, but are ensuring a set price on two TOG year plans. No price increases...and you KNOW with the economy as it is curriculum companies are going to HAVE to raise their prices each year just to stay in business. I honestly expect to pay more for my Y4 DE in Aug '11 than I am currently paying for my Pre-printed Y2. Yes. the DE version will be around $170 NOW...but in three years? I think not. Just my opinion of course. ;)

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I pre-ordered Y2 and Y3 figuring that I will likely have until at least the end of January before my credit card gets charged. By that time I will have some more money saved up to pay for it. Yes, it is WAY sooner than I actually wanted to buy it, but I got the go-ahead from my dh since this could be a one-shot deal! It is kind of too bad that it is happening before Christmas, though, as it is an especially hard time to have extra cash reserves hanging around! Of course, that is why the curriculum companies could be suffering at this time, too.



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