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Swimming in Italy?

Gracie Ann

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Long time lurker here! And in my past lurking, I'm pretty sure I remember someone had kids who were swimmers and lived in Italy. There's a good possibility we're headed there this next summer, and I have a 13 yr old girl who would like to continue swimming. If anyone has information on how it all works there, I'd love your help.

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Thank you!

We're heading to Ferrrara, and I'm a bit at a loss! I didn't think we would ever leave the central time zone, much less the country. I know there has to be a way for her to continue swimming, but it would reassure her to know how. It's one of her biggest concerns, that, and leaving a state where she can get her driver's license at 15.

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Well, no driving until she's 18 here... 

The closest EFSL team (if you are DoD/Civilian working for the Gov't/NATO) is going to be Vicenza.  Beyond that, you have local clubs -- here is a list for the Ferrara area:  https://www.federnuoto.it/federazione/societa-sportive.html?xtipologia=0&xannoagonistico=2017&xregione=08&xprovincia=038&xcomune=0&xdisciplina=&xnome=&provincia=&comune=&tipo_ricerca=0

The green squares have swimming schools/competitive swimming -- you'll need to visit in person.

We haven't had much luck swimming "on the economy" as it's called.  The Italian system specializes early (9-10-11 year olds are "specialists" and not allowed to swim or compete in other strokes, train very hard, very fast, and once you acheive a certain level, technique is often ignored (granted, we're in southern Italy, and most people I know are in clubs in southern Italy).   Most clubs stateside tend to train all four strokes, you swim everything (even if you're a nationally ranked breaststroker or butterflier...ha!).  We've had more success with kids in the learn to swim program than the competitive system (unless you are just a rock star, but I do know a Greek National swimmer who has been stationed here and a French swimmer who have had less than ideal experiences).  It's just very different.

If you can manage to train in town and compete within the EFSL a bit, it will really help.



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Yeah, the not driving was going to happen wherever we moved this summer, regardless. 

Huh. It seems kind of odd to start specializing before their bodies change. 

No, she is most definitely not a rock star! She's swimming B/BB times, but she really enjoys it! It's only the last year or two she's been interested in technique beyond not disqualifying, and since we live in a pretty rural area (see the permit at 14? and military base in the central time zone!), she still does well in competitions. 

So, my experience with the swim team she's on right now, is that lessons happen until they can swim the length of the pool without looking like they're drowning. Then, they can join the team. I'm guessing the learn to swim program goes beyond that? 

I hadn't thought about training and competing in different places. Thank you for that! 


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4 hours ago, Gracie Ann said:

Yeah, the not driving was going to happen wherever we moved this summer, regardless. 

Huh. It seems kind of odd to start specializing before their bodies change. 

No, she is most definitely not a rock star! She's swimming B/BB times, but she really enjoys it! It's only the last year or two she's been interested in technique beyond not disqualifying, and since we live in a pretty rural area (see the permit at 14? and military base in the central time zone!), she still does well in competitions. 

So, my experience with the swim team she's on right now, is that lessons happen until they can swim the length of the pool without looking like they're drowning. Then, they can join the team. I'm guessing the learn to swim program goes beyond that? 

I hadn't thought about training and competing in different places. Thank you for that! 


Each program is going to be a bit different. The club we were at had my two youngest in bonafide lessons, my middle did train a bit more, they had my oldest two in a weird program that wasn't really training and wasn't really lessons -- I think there was a  misunderstanding -- not long after, they were moved to the more competitive kids, but there wasn't much technique, just a lot of fast swimming.  Other swim clubs in our area seem to be somewhat different.  The major thing I've heard about all of them is that the kids tend to specialize.  We have a friend who has a phenominal 11 year old (swims mid/distance free, but is really a stellar all around swimmer).  Her club won't let her compete in breast.  Locally, the national Greek swimmer was pigeon-holed as a backstroker (his technique has gotten worse since moving here, but he's actually a very strong flyer -- something that's been overlooked). He is 16 and had NEVER swum anything over a 400 (no 800 or 1500). His younger brother is 13 and is truly an IMer, but has gotten pigeon holed into backstroke as well.  I have 3 swimmers down south in the heel of the boat who just hate training there -- they joined us for a swim camp I put together and it really helped them feel more connected to the sport again.

She can join the FIN (will need special clearance from a local doctor, including an EKG), B/BB times are a great place to start -- sounds like she's well on her way.  The European Forces Swim League competes all around Europe (Long Distance Championships will be in Brugge, BE again next year, and Short Distance Champs will be in Eindhoven).  It sounds like your DD will fit in nicely there.  It would be a great way to meet and hang out with other kids from the US.  

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