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Gracie Ann

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  1. Yeah, the not driving was going to happen wherever we moved this summer, regardless. Huh. It seems kind of odd to start specializing before their bodies change. No, she is most definitely not a rock star! She's swimming B/BB times, but she really enjoys it! It's only the last year or two she's been interested in technique beyond not disqualifying, and since we live in a pretty rural area (see the permit at 14? and military base in the central time zone!), she still does well in competitions. So, my experience with the swim team she's on right now, is that lessons happen until they can swim the length of the pool without looking like they're drowning. Then, they can join the team. I'm guessing the learn to swim program goes beyond that? I hadn't thought about training and competing in different places. Thank you for that!
  2. Thank you! We're heading to Ferrrara, and I'm a bit at a loss! I didn't think we would ever leave the central time zone, much less the country. I know there has to be a way for her to continue swimming, but it would reassure her to know how. It's one of her biggest concerns, that, and leaving a state where she can get her driver's license at 15.
  3. Long time lurker here! And in my past lurking, I'm pretty sure I remember someone had kids who were swimmers and lived in Italy. There's a good possibility we're headed there this next summer, and I have a 13 yr old girl who would like to continue swimming. If anyone has information on how it all works there, I'd love your help.
  4. The desired result- that swimmers should wear appropriate clothing when not in the pool- seems fine to me. The reason given? A load of crap.
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