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easier 7th grade literature suggestions


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I need some easier literature for my DD for 7th grade.  Her reading and comprehension level regressed due to an illness and hasn't fully bounced back.  This is what I had chosen for her for this year: The Hobbit (started it, and it was too hard), Lad: A Dog (We are reading that together now as shared reading.  It's going really well, but it would be too wordy for her to read on her own), Anne of Green Gables, and Little Women.  I want to revisit these in 8th grade and give her literature that is enjoyable and that she can read independently this year.  We are studying 1815-Present for history.  I am going to have her read Number the Stars in the spring.  I was also thinking of Esperenza Rising.  We have done a ton of literature from MP and VP lists and it would all be too much to list here.  Last year in 6th grade she read Soul Surfer, The Witch of Blackbird Pond (a little challenging but she did it), Sarah Witcher's Story, and By the Great Hornspoon. I wasn't planning to relate all her literature this year to history but those kinds of recommendations would be helpful, too. 

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Thanks so much, these are really helpful!  

We've done a lot of Sonlight books as read alouds but I'm sure it would help to consult their lists again. 

8 hours ago, texasmom33 said:

Also, audiobooks might be helpful for her as she recovers. Would she be able to use a couple of those instead of physical readers? 

She really doesn't like audiobooks.  She actually loves to read, I just have to be careful about the level of challenge.  Older or archaic language is not the right fit right now.  

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7 hours ago, Farrar said:

This is the list I made of "short but meaty" books for middle schoolers - because middle schoolers need thought-provoking literature, but aren't always ready to read really lengthy or super difficult books yet.


This list and the details about each book is FABULOUS.  Thank you!

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