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Inspirational Event across Canada


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Tomorrow is my annual Terry Fox Run to raise money for Cancer Research that I help organize (our local run - there are hundreds of events organized across Canada). Terry Fox lost his leg to cancer when he was a young teen. He ran the equivalent of a marathon a day in his epic "Marathon of Hope" running with a prosthetic leg. He died of lung cancer before he ran across Canada, but this map shows the distance he logged. 

The blue line is the route Terry Fox ran. The red lines are the same distance in other places around the world.
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There are several Terry Fox Runs in my city, and mine is out in the suburbs along a trail that used to be a railroad. It's flat, straight, wide and away from traffic. Lots of families participate every year walking or running with their children in strollers, on bikes and such. It's truly inspirational. There are very few people left in our world who have not been touched by the loss of a loved one to cancer. We have a big sign up where participants write on it, "I'm running for ______."

Edited by wintermom
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