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Need help scheduling subjects


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I have all of our curriculum figured out but I’m trying to decide how to schedule out every subject throughout the week. My ds is in 6th grade and we school five days a week, year-round. 

Here are our subjects:


LA- Writing, Grammar, Spelling, Vocab, Literature








Fine Arts

I know that we’ll do Math, Writing, and Literature every day, but I'm having trouble with how much of the other subjects to cover over the week. I’d like to block schedule History and Science with History on MWF and Science T/Th. Can anyone help me out with the rest? Thanks!



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Sounds like you’re half done! Spanish you’ll want to do regularly (daily is best) and Latin too, because they are languages that need use and practice.  It might only be reviewing vocabulary some days but 10 min a day 5x a week is much better than one 60 min or two 30 min blocks. I’d Lump typing in there too, for 5-10 min a day.  You could have a 30-45 min daily block for Spanish, Latin, and typing.  You may find a lot of redundancy in Spanish and Latin and might opt for justbone at a time but YMMV.

That leaves Geography, Logic, and fine arts.  You could have a looping electives hour every day. Or you could have a given day for each elective. Or you could spend 4 months on geography, 4 on logic, 4 on fine arts.  Or you could do 2 weeks geog, 2weeks Logic, two weeks fine arts, break and repeat.  Really, there are so many ways to do it.  My kids do better with “seasons” of things - right now we are covering geography, in a few months we will focus on science, etc.

So, what do you want? What will work well for your child? 

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3 minutes ago, WendyAndMilo said:

How long is logic going to take per day?

I’m not really sure. I’ve just started researching curriculum so no idea of how many lessons to incorporate. I just know that from what I’ve seen 6th grade seems to be a good point to start Logic. 

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2 minutes ago, Targhee said:

Sounds like you’re half done! Spanish you’ll want to do regularly (daily is best) and Latin too, because they are languages that need use and practice.  It might only be reviewing vocabulary some days but 10 min a day 5x a week is much better than one 60 min or two 30 min blocks. I’d Lump typing in there too, for 5-10 min a day.  You could have a 30-45 min daily block for Spanish, Latin, and typing.  You may find a lot of redundancy in Spanish and Latin and might opt for justbone at a time but YMMV.

That leaves Geography, Logic, and fine arts.  You could have a looping electives hour every day. Or you could have a given day for each elective. Or you could spend 4 months on geography, 4 on logic, 4 on fine arts.  Or you could do 2 weeks geog, 2weeks Logic, two weeks fine arts, break and repeat.  Really, there are so many ways to do it.  My kids do better with “seasons” of things - right now we are covering geography, in a few months we will focus on science, etc.

So, what do you want? What will work well for your child? 

I was just about to edit my post ask how often Latin should be covered. Thank you for clearing that up. 

I like the sound of looping the electives. I’ve really wanted to incorporate Dad into school but, with him working out of state two weeks on and two weeks off it seemed impossible to include him consistently. This schedule would solve that perfectly! Thank you for your thoughts. 

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I think it's easier to see which programs you're using.

I created a schedule block in Excel so I could see how often and how long our day was based on average lesson length.  Our Latin program needs to be done 5x a week for one year, or 2-3x a week to spread it out over two.  But art is 1x a week, science is 3x, and I could squeeze them into the same line so we're still doing the same number of subjects each day.

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