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First grade math question


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Dd2, who is in 1st grade this year, began the CLE light units for math the middle of last year— simply because we did not like what we had been using for kindergarten math, she wanted to do math, and she was able to handle the first half of the light units. However, she is due to finish up the first grade level the middle of this year, and I don’t want to push her into level two. I think she could handle the first light units, but I don’t see her keeping up as well as she did with level one, and I definitely don’t think she would be ready for multiplication this year! I obviously don’t want to just stop doing math however, so I am looking for a good suggestion to keep her learning but not too fast for the second half of the year. We have some math games, but I don’t want to just play games either. What would be a good segue between CLE level one and CLE level two? I will have a new baby the second half of the year, so if there are just some good work books she can keep up with on her own, so much the better! 

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First and foremost, I would be very tempted to keep going in CLE 2 as long as it is working.  I would not preemptively decide that she won't be able to keep up just because multiplication is on the horizon.  Both of my older kids were thoroughly prepared to tackle simple multiplication as first graders...and #3 is on a similar trajectory.  In fact, my second son just mastered multi-digit multiplication this summer between his first and second grade years.  His first topic of second grade will be long division, and I am prepared to take a step back and review or move sideways for a while if it looks like that is what he needs, but as long as he is thriving we are not going to slow down simply because he is getting "ahead".

That said, I often use the Star Wars math workbooks as supplementary review and reinforcement.  They cover a lot of good topics (graphing, estimation, measurement, fact practice, place value) in relatively fun ways.  They are also conceptually pretty deep, not just plug and chug.  The first grade book is VERY gentle, and starts with simple counting up to 10, so you might consider having her do the 2nd grade book as a gentle introduction.


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3 hours ago, wendyroo said:

First and foremost, I would be very tempted to keep going in CLE 2 as long as it is working.  I would not preemptively decide that she won't be able to keep up just because multiplication is on the horizon.  Both of my older kids were thoroughly prepared to tackle simple multiplication as first graders...and #3 is on a similar trajectory.  In fact, my second son just mastered multi-digit multiplication this summer between his first and second grade years.  His first topic of second grade will be long division, and I am prepared to take a step back and review or move sideways for a while if it looks like that is what he needs, but as long as he is thriving we are not going to slow down simply because he is getting "ahead".

That said, I often use the Star Wars math workbooks as supplementary review and reinforcement.  They cover a lot of good topics (graphing, estimation, measurement, fact practice, place value) in relatively fun ways.  They are also conceptually pretty deep, not just plug and chug.  The first grade book is VERY gentle, and starts with simple counting up to 10, so you might consider having her do the 2nd grade book as a gentle introduction.



I hear you on this and if it were DD1, who is very math and science oriented at this stage, I would keep going. DD2 however is more inclined to reading and writing and that side of learning...math, well, she is doing fine, but it isn’t as natural or easy for her as her sister. If she keeps doing well and I think she is ready I will move her along, but unless something changes I see her stalling out. I just want to have a few good options up my sleeve if need be! 

I will check out these suggestions. Thanks!

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I would continue to do CLE but at a half pace and focus in on mastering her math facts. Like do Addition Facts that Stick and Subtraction Facts that stick and so on. Or you could try some math fact apps like ADDimals or SUBTRACTimals. There are a lot of online math programs too, like Splash math and Prodigy. You may need to slow down your pace with the new baby so you may want some apps that can let her do math while you care of the baby. Last year in October we had a baby while my son was in first grade. There were and still are lots of interruptions. I used Kate's Snows books and Mammoth Math. When I needed to step away I did simple addition and subtraction worksheets from Evan Moor's Building Math Fluency 1st and 2nd Grade. Anything you can give her while you take care of the baby will take pressure off of you. Best of luck and congratulations on the new baby.

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