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Online Creative Writing

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I’m looking for an online creative writing course for dd16. We have looked at OnlineG3, Atheba’s, Open Tent, Brave Writer, So Verbose, WTM, and Write at Home.  Some have been eliminated because of schedule conflict or offering not a good match for dd.  

From that BraveWriter and SoVerbose/Lantern English are still possibilities. I’m looking for feedback on either of these providers, specific courses they offer, and suggestions for other offerings.

DD enjoys fantasy writing in particular. She needs feedback (gentle, she’s kind of sensative to criticism) but also good instruction on all elements of writing.  She does best when she has leeway to write *about* what she wants.  For examples of what has worked with her and what hasn’t: Derek Owens physics, Nance’s Logic, AOPS, NaNoWriMo were good formats and styles for her; Notgrass history, WWS, and IEW were NOT good.


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DD LOVED Thomas Hummel's Creative Writing course through WTMA. No fantasy writing, however. And he uses a workshop format.

She also liked Bravewriter, but that was for essay writing.

Hummel's class inspired her so much that she is just finishing up three weeks at Bard's Writers Workshop. 

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11 minutes ago, lisabees said:

DD LOVED Thomas Hummel's Creative Writing course through WTMA. No fantasy writing, however. And he uses a workshop format.

She also liked Bravewriter, but that was for essay writing.

Hummel's class inspired her so much that she is just finishing up three weeks at Bard's Writers Workshop. 

My son loved his class, too!

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DD took a course through So Verbose last year, but it wasn't creative writing, so I can't speak to that specifically. Assignments were emailed weekly (Wednesdays, I think), and due the following Tuesday. The feedback was good, the teacher praised strengths and told DD where she needed work. (Actually, after the first assignment, the teacher recommended creative writing because she had a great writing voice, but struggled with essays. That's part of why I'm planning on doing at least one or two of their creative writing courses.)

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8 hours ago, lisabees said:

DD LOVED Thomas Hummel's Creative Writing course through WTMA. No fantasy writing, however. And he uses a workshop format.

She also liked Bravewriter, but that was for essay writing.

Hummel's class inspired her so much that she is just finishing up three weeks at Bard's Writers Workshop. 

And also @alewife how old were your kids when taking the class?

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