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How to apply for National Science Foundation grants?

Suzanne in ABQ

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Does anyone have experience writing federal grant applications and such? My nephew is trying to get funding for a tech project from the National Science Foundation. He's read over 500 pages of rules and requirements, but can't make heads or tails of the contradictions and red tape. Any links to someplace with tips to simplify the process?  Maybe seminars that might be offered locally (he's in Kansas City, KS) that he might attend?  

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My DH and colleagues NSF write grant applications all the time. What is your nephew's affiliation? Many institutions have grant writing workshops as part of their new faculty professional development programs. If he is a grad student, his advisor should mentor him. He should contact his institution's Sponsored research office, or whatever it's called at his place.

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13 hours ago, regentrude said:

My DH and colleagues NSF write grant applications all the time. What is your nephew's affiliation? Many institutions have grant writing workshops as part of their new faculty professional development programs. If he is a grad student, his advisor should mentor him. He should contact his institution's Sponsored research office, or whatever it's called at his place.


Thanks regentrude.  He's a self-employed entrepreneurial inventor.  He's brilliant and hard working, but he has no affiliation with any school or corporation.  He's actually smart enough to realize that he probably won't win any funding, but he wants to try so he might help the field experts who have been helping him at no charge, just because they find the project interesting.

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