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Reading Detective vs CAP Reading and Reasoning


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My daughter used the first book in the CAP series - she was in fifth grade, but diagnosed with dyslexia, if that matters.  I wanted her to get practice reading independently, reading and following instructions, I wanted her to get exposure to a variety of concepts and get her thinking more about what she was reading beyond figuring out how the phonemes worked, if that makes sense.  I found the book fairly independent.  Often, when they introduced a new concept, I'd have to go over the page with her a bit, discuss what was being presented, but then she was able to work independently for a number of pages on her own.  She didn't love the book, but she didn't hate it, and I felt like what she was doing was worthwhile.  We didn't move on to the next book in the series because she transitioned back to public school shortly after completing the first level.  Actually, I'll probably get that level for my son too, now that I'm thinking of it. 

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We used Reading Detective books with my 3rd and 6th graders last year and both liked it reasonably well.  They didn't enjoy it quite as much as Inference Jones (also a Critical Thinking Company book) - they loved those.  My younger also used their Science Detective book for elementary - it follows a similar format.  It was a bit of a fight at first because younger kiddo wasn't used to having to pay attention to detail, but within a few weeks it was mostly independent.  Older kid has used their History Detective and really enjoyed it. We don't use workbooks as our main history and science, but those are our go-to for days that are busy or we need to do 'car school' because they're easy to pack.  

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