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Anyone using Elemental Science?


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Im thinking of purchasing Elemental Science - Biology for the Grammar Stage for my 2nd grader.  He's great at memorisation and we're following a mostly classical curriculum already.  Would you recommend this programme? I need something open and go or it won't get done ?.  Is it thorough enough? If I did buy ES then I'd probably buy the Sassafras Audio version also, just because my son loves stories.

However, I already have a copy of the Good and The Beautiful Kingdoms and Classifications, should I just save the money and use what I have already and then add on other units after we would finish that unit?



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We used Elemental Science Biology this past year for my son's 1st grade year. We started the year out working through science together, but he soon started reading everything on his own and filling out the written assignments on his own. I would simply write out the week's reading pages in advance, and he would pull the books out and read the sections and do the work. I would help with the simple, weekly experiments. It was perfect for us. I should add that my son is an advanced reader and very motivated to get his work done.

The curriculum is thorough and my son learned a lot about animals, plants, and the human body. We are moving on to Earth Science and Astronomy this coming year.

Hope that helps!


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We are using it next year.  It definitely looks like plenty!  If he does want more, she lists several on-topic picture books for each week. 

We will just be adding the Biology 101 DVD (from the 101 series) because my family loves these.  We are going through the Physics one now and everyone pays attention (ages 4 to 15)! 

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I've used the Grammar stage Biology program twice so far. Both times, I supplemented with on-topic books and DVDs from the library for more information, but I don't think that's necessary. I've used Elemental Science from the beginning and will be using Chemistry for the Logic Stage and for the Grammar Stage this year. 

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