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The Business Womans Teachers Lounge 6-8-2018


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Hello and welcome to the Lounge! It's FRIDAY!!!

Today's theme stems from the fact that I know many women who are in business for themselves, be that a traditional
brick and mortar biz, network marketing, or independent contractor type of jobs. Are you?
(NOTE: as in any type of business (network marketing or corporate) there are good and bad business or experiences.
This is NOT to be a discussion about whether certain businesses are better than the others. Friendly discussion only
please. It's also not to be used as soliciting sales. Just discussion. Thanks!)

Do you, or have you, ever owned your own business? Here: yes, several. Mostly network marketing/direct sales. I'm grateful for what I've learned
through my experience with all of them. 

What do you like about the most recent one? Here: I think I have finally found my HOME in business, partnering with people who love heralism/herbology/
herbal science as much as I do! I think whether you are the owner of a large or small corporation or the owner of an independent marketing business, YOU ROCK!
Any of that takes discipline, fortitude, and drive. 

If you do not own a business and are still employed somewhere, what do you like best about THAT? Here: I still work very part time for a security company - we work special
events and NFL games, choosing our schedules. I enjoy it because I get to work with great people, especially all the law enforcement I get to interact with. However, my husband
says I like that particular job because I get to tell people what to do! ? Could be true . . .

Talk to me! :bigear:


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I am a business owner for the first time.  I teach science classes and workshops to homeschoolers.  I started last year, subletting space from an acquaintance that had a small classroom they didn't use during the day.  It went really well so we just signed a lease on our own retail storefront a couple days ago.  I'm excited and scared at the same time.  It's a big step to committing to paying rent but I'm very excited.  I've been involved in science education for a lot of years - as a docent, a 4-H leader, various other ventures - and this was something I thought about a few years ago as something I'd love to do someday.  Well, someday is here.

I do also have a position with a business too.  I'm the STEM coordinator for a local businesses Tech Tuesday program.  Super-duper part-time but it brings in some steady cash I can put toward my classes.

I also do occasional freelance work for the company I used to be employed at as a full time Executive Assistant.  That is also super-duper part time.

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