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The One Week (and a Day) to Go Teachers Lounge 5-25-2018


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Good morning, all, and welcome to the Lounge!

Today marks one week, and  day, until dd officially graduates from High School! WOW!
Even though I've put ceremony and potluck all together, and have done most of the teaching,
I'm still WOWed by it all!

What's amazing thing is happening in your life that's taken a long time to come to fruition? Here: see above!

Weather today? Here: we have officially entered summer, weather-wise. High today of 100*F, with no precipitation or humidity in sight. Welcome to the desert!

Plans for the weekend? Here: coffee date in less than an hour, schooling with kids, a writers meeting tonight. Sometime this weekend, meeting up with two of
my sisters to celebrate the 60th birthday of one of them. Dog Expo tomorrow with family. Church on Sunday.

Talk to me! :bigear:

PS Thanks for all your posts yesterday. I apologize for not responding to all of them. I DO ❤️ to see all of you in the Lounge!


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Congratulations to you and your dd, Scrap!!  I'm getting excited and nervous because my dd, and my oldest, is nearing graduation. She only has one course left. Enjoy the Dog Expo!

I went for run this morning with a homeschool group. It was fun and tiring. I'm going for a walk this afternoon with a couple homeschool friends, while our boys play. So the theme for my day is exercising with friends - my favourite thing!

The rest of the weekend will be fairly quiet as my 2 youngest boys are away at cadet camp. 

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