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Has anyone used the "Recommendations" service from Academic Excellence?

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We've used Academic Excellence to order our CAT tests for the past few years.  We added our youngest to the testing world this spring.  She is proving to be more difficult to teach due to medical issues and delays.  I have already received our test results, but I didn't order the recommendations service.  I'm considering contacting them to see if I can add that.  I was curious if anyone has actually used this service, though.  Is it worth the time and money?  From your experience, do their recommendations actually serve the child well? 

*** Note : My child is already being followed by many medical teams and we are on top of her care both physically, mentally, and spiritually.  I am simply curious as to what types of curriculum might be recommended from AE based on her test results.

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I added the this last year to our CAT tests. It was a list of workbooks that would target the skill levels reflected in the test results. It wasn’t detailed discussion, which I was hoping for. For example, for one of my students, in the skill of reading, they suggested Daily Reading Comprehension and Critical Thinking company’s Reading Detective. 

I won’t pay for it again; I’m sure I could find a list of workbooks on my own in the right level. I guess it would be very helpful if you weren’t sure what workbooks were out there. 

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