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Plaid phonics vs core skills phonics


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Explode the Code is another program to consider. 

I've used all of these as a supplement over the years.  IIRC, the Core Skills has less writing.  There are lots of fill in the bubble or circle the answer questions.  They have some where they write out the word.  MCP had some sentence type composition exercises.  We generally skipped these (or had them narrate the sentence to me) and it wasn't a big deal.  We only used the K MCP book, so I don't know if they upper ones have more writing or not.   MCP is in color.  ETC & Core Skills are both black & white.  ETC has lots of silly illustrations that my kids enjoyed. 

Really, they all get the job done, which is why I have no strong recommendation towards one over another.  My older two used ETC, my younger two used MCP (one also used Core Skills).  I have purchased the ETC primer books (A,B,C) for my youngest for the coming year.

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When DS was starting AAR he had a really hard time getting blending. We were doing ETC but it was very easy for him. I added in MP First Start Reading because I was hoping that the writing component would help it click for him and it really helped. I got the MP guide for it and they used Core Skill Phonics so I added that and he really enjoyed it. Core Skills Phonics did a great job reviewing sounds and breaking down words but still making it fun. My DS is very vocal when he doesn’t like something but he enjoyed both and they really helped him and complemented AAR. I just ordered them both to use with my youngest. If FSR interests you then you just need the workbooks, the TM that I bought really doesn’t add anything. 

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