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Not volunteering today

Night Elf

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Well rats! The lady I work with at the thrift store called me to say she wouldn't be there this morning. She said I could go in anyway but the problem is there isn't much to do. We're caught up on nearly everything. We're not getting the donations we usually get and the store isn't doing very well. So we decided I'd just skip today and hope we get some donations in today so we have something to do tomorrow. 

So I think I'll do some cleaning and organizing in my house today since I actually feel good and energetic, at least so far today. 

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We worked on cleaning up some of our attic a couple of days ago--I know how cleaning and organizing can further help me feel good, so I hope it does the same for you! I think I keep a mental "anxiety list," and having too much clutter and stuff I need to get to is on that list, so getting even a few things out and done really helps free up some energy. Hope your cleaning day has the same effect. ?

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