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Apps and Websites for History


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I am looking for independent apps, youtube channels and websites for History/Social studies for grades 1-3. We already do stack the States and Brainpop which is awesome. I need something to hand to my 2nd grader while I work my my K'er. This will be a suppliment and it needs to be independent of me. Thanks :)

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8 hours ago, Janeway said:

Do you think Brainpop is worth the money? I have only used it when I have been able to get it free, but even then, I have barely paid attention. Now I would have to buy it. Should I?

Um, no. We don't use it enough to justify the cost. Maybe if we used it more. I do like it but we just don't schedule it as part of our day. 

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For YouTube channels we like Crash course kids and sci show kids. Both are secular though, we’re christian and there’s only been a few videos that I’ve had to avoid. There’s also a site called THE KIDS SHOULD SEE THIS, they send out 7 videos a week that are amazing!!! Not “kid shows but just cool YouTube stuff that’s safe for kids to watch. We watched a guy cut wood with paper, another one where this man melted crayons into a block and then took a lathe to them! Super cool! Go to the website and sign up for emails.

cant think of anything for history except crash course kids....I wanna say I believe one time they cursed? Hahaha not sure though. Make a YouTube playlist with videos and have him watch that maybe?

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