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Flylady Support Thread for Wednesday, March 21

Night Elf

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Hello Flyminds!


Welcome to the Flylady support thread. To find out what Flylady is: click here. You can also find people on YouTube if you search for it.


We have completed the Baby Steps found here and here.

We have also completed a Building a Control Journal Series found here.

If you would like to share your small accomplishments on instagram, please do so at #wtmflylady


Advanced Flylady: 


This week the Flylady is focused on Zone 4 - Master Bedroom, Bath, Closet (March 18 - 24).


Wednesday - Anti-procrastination Day!

Each and every Wednesday is Anti-Procrastination Day for FlyLady. This is a day that we take care of things we’ve been putting off. You can use this day to take care of any procrastinating you’ve done. You can do things like:

  • Make doctors appointments

  • Finish that report for work

  • Work on a project with your child

  • Clean the fish tank

You can do whatever you need to take care. This is the day to stop putting things off.


Flylady Mission: Wednesday is Anti-procrastination Day. We are going to straighten up the floor of your closet! Are the shoes piling up and you can't find two shoes that are a like? Do you think you have too many shoes? While you are lining up your shoes; pick two pair to give away or throw away. The next time you are looking for the pair of shoes that match your outfit, you will smile because you will be able to find them without getting down on your hands and knees. This will put another smile on your face and keep your hair from getting messed up.


Fly Kids Mission: Today I want you to do something FUN! I want you to make a check list for yourself for your rooms.

This is your very own check list that you get to make for yourself. I want you to be as creative as you want to be. If you want to use markers, crayons, colored pencils or the computer - that is great. You have to have a parent's permission to use the items that you want to. If you are not allowed to use a certain marker then you can't use them. Use colored paper or a piece of lined notebook paper. It can be simple or fancy it is all your choice!

I want you to make a check list of 5 things that you need to do in your room every day. This will be the list that you look at and make sure you have done them. Even if you have chore charts or things that you and your family do together that is ok, this is for you and you only.

I am going to give you two things that need to be on your list and you pick the other three.

1. Make or straighten bed
2. Pick up and put away toys

The three things that you pick are things that you know you want to do or need to do every day.

Have fun with this! You get to make and use your very own check list!

Remember: Less stuff to clean and put away means more time to play! 



If you are new to Flylady, please join at any time. There is no better time then now to learn to keep your house clean the easy way!

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Zone Cleaning: Master Bedroom

--Clean cobwebs

--Wash windows and sills

--Sweep behind night stands


Master Bathroom:

--Straighten drawers, toss old stuff


Morning Routine:

--Make bed

--Get dressed

--Swish & Swipe

--Check calendar

--Clean cat area


Afternoon routine:

--What's for dinner?

--Drink your water




--Have ds sweep room, and swiffer since he didn't do it yesterday



--Volunteer at thrift store

--Pharmacy run

--Lunch with dd


Dinner: Bean soup

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