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Physical Science Concepts in Action

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If you have used this book, was it easy to get access to teacher materials, including tests and solutions/answers? Which edition did you use?


I am considering it for a physical science class that would be 8th-10th graders. We only meet every other week, so parents need to be able have access to answers to check work at home. 


Thank you!




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This would be considered a Middle School textbook here in AZ.

There is a Teacher's Edition, Physical Science: Concepts in Action
ISBN 10: 0133163970 / ISBN 13: 9780133163971
Chegg sells solutions
might be pricey



The Pearson site lists it as a high school textbook. Are you familiar with what would make it a middle school text? 


I was trying to find a book that would be primarily an introduction to chemistry and an introduction to physics. Our co-op is Christian and uses some Apologia, but I don't care for the Apologia physical science book. I think it's too much earth science, and most of the students are doing Dive Earth right now. The 9th graders are adding in additional texts and tests to make it a high school credit. 


I think I would actually love an introductory physics, but I'm just not sure how much math the 8th graders will be able to do. 


Whatever I choose, the books need to be easily purchased along with having easy access to the answers. If testing materials are really expensive, I could probably make up my own tests. 


Honestly, I don't think we have many students who will be pursuing science heavy fields. We have one or two that could, but they plan to do dual enrollment the last year or two of high school, so I think that will help them. 

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The Pearson site lists it as a high school textbook. Are you familiar with what would make it a middle school text? 


Oh I meant AZ covers the stuff from that text in our typical 8th grade science classes.

I did not look at what Pearson said about that specific text (my bad).


I should let the morning coffee kick in before I post ;)

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