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Flylady support thread for Friday December 29...

3 ladybugs

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Good morning Flyminds! 


Welcome to the Flylady support thread. To find out what Flylady is: http://www.flylady.net/ You can also find people on YouTube if you search for it.


We have completed the baby steps found here: http://forums.welltr...nday-october-1/

We have also completed a Building a Control Journal series found here: http://forums.welltr...-16-tue-oct-24/

If you would like to share your small accomplishments on instagram, please do so at #wtmflylady


We will start the baby steps again January 1, 2018! So if you are a lurker, find us then!


This week the Flylady is focused on Zone 5 the Living Room. 


Friday - Clean out your purse/car and date night!

We use each Friday as our De-Clutter your Purse and Car day. This only takes a few minutes and saves us lots of time later. Without the candy wrappers, old receipts, and other trash in your purse, finding your car keys becomes a breeze! Removing all the clutter and trash from your car ensures that you won’t be hit by any UFOs (Unidentified Flying Objects) in the event of a crash. Set aside a few minutes just for these two tasks each Friday. Here’s a list of things to toss:

  • Old gum and candy wrappers

  • Soda bottles

  • Scraps of paper/old receipts

  • Drive thru bags and cups

  • Jackets/coats/shoes

Set your timer and get to it.

Friday is also Date Night. Relationships have to be nurtured. If not, you are going to wake up one day when the children are grown and not know the person you chose to spend your life with. It is up to us to make sure we grow together! Now don’t think I am going to leave out you single people! We all have relationships! Some are marital and others are friendship. As for those friendships that you have let fall by the wayside because your home was too messy for people to come over, it is time to pick up the phone and just say hi!

Relationships are not just inanimate objects; they are made of people with feelings. When we open up our hearts and let someone else in, we become better people!  We can’t just ignore the relationship and expect it to stay the same. People need attention! You need attention! If you give it, it will come back to you! I promise.

Today's Mission (We only have missions Monday through Friday)It is our last day in the living room/family room so, today we are having a fire drill!  If you have hot spots brewing, lets get them put out quickly before they start to flare up and out of control.  Grab those magazines, shoes and papers that tend to magically appear.  Grab a trash bag and fling anything that needs to be flung!
Fly Kids Mission (We only have missions Monday through Friday)Today we are going to play Hide and Seek! We are going to seek out all the stuff that is hiding underneath our beds!

Set a timer for 15 minutes and get to it. Pull one thing out at a time, if you love it and need it, put it away where it belongs. If you don't love or need it put it in a give away bag. If it is trash, put it in the trash can! 
You do not have do all of it today! Just for 15 minutes! 
Holiday Clean Up mission - For today you are to take 15 minutes and put away any decorations that you can. If you are leaving your tree up until the 6th that is fine, but put away what you can!! If you have knick knack type decorations, holiday candles etc., that can be put away, then help yourself out now to put some of them away.
If you are new to Flylady, please join at any time. There is no better time then now to learn to keep your house clean the easy way! 
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My to do list for today:

  • Breakfast
  • lunch
  • dinner
  • snack
  • hot spot bedroom
  • Children's mission for the day I organized their closet told them to keep it that way. 
  • Get ready for step 3 on Accountable Kids
  • Condense holiday goodies so table can be moved
  • lesson plan (need at least 3 weeks planned)
  • organize pantry (can't find anything in there!)
  • fix blanket
  • update blog
  • measure window sill height to see if Costco shelf would fit
  • I thought I could get away from laundry today, but nope! I am washing my sheets. :)
  • exercise  :scared:

My youngest has appointed Friday as "Pizza and Movie" night. So at least I know what we will be doing tonight! 


Oh and my 16 year old sister (yes I have a 14 year old one too... I am 41) says she wants to go to Denmark as a foreign exchange student. So I referred her to Diane in Denmark's You Tube channel. Do you think she will like all the cleaning videos?  :lol: Our father could only hope! 

Edited by 3 ladybugs
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I'm finished with zone cleaning this week. Yay!


2 hours volunteering at Thrift Store

Sweep all public rooms and my master suite rooms

File papers - DH has let these stack up so this may be too big a job for one day DONE!

Finances - pay bills, move money around really

My bathroom tidy

Sweep deck and front steps

Dinner - usually Subway sandwiches


Take dd shopping for undergarments


Extra: (Didn't get around to this yesterday)

Would like to start youngest dd on cleaning her room. She'll refuse but I'll insist we start on one corner. I'll tell her we can do anything for 15 minutes or less.


Edited by Night Elf
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Good morning! My schedule for today is:




Dinner (leftovers)

Last day of classes at library for boys

Work on my bujo



I'm so excited that I got to watch a few episodes of a show I like on Netflix, I hope I get to do it again tonight.

Edited by mama25angels
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Well, we just bought a new-to-us car, so I can skip the car cleaning.

BUT my purse is in dire condition. And I'm going to expand "clean up under your bed" to include "clean up under your desk and the living room sofa."


I just scheduled a washing machine repairman for next Friday, so that'll throw a wrench into the gears of a clean house.

Also, lesson planning is up for this weekend! I'm hoping to start our homeschool back up on Monday, if everyone is healthy.

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