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Flylady support thread for Thursday December 28...

3 ladybugs

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Good morning Flyminds! 


Welcome to the Flylady support thread. To find out what Flylady is: http://www.flylady.net/ You can also find people on YouTube if you search for it.


We have completed the baby steps found here: http://forums.welltr...nday-october-1/

We have also completed a Building a Control Journal series found here: http://forums.welltr...-16-tue-oct-24/

If you would like to share your small accomplishments on instagram, please do so at #wtmflylady


We will start the baby steps again January 1, 2018! So if you are a lurker, find us then!


This week the Flylady is focused on Zone 5 the Living Room. 


Thursday - Errand Day!

Thursday at FlyLady is Errand Day. We use this day to get out and run whatever errands we need to do for the week. Make a list of wherever you need to go and whatever you need to do during the day today and then get to it. This can include:

  • Grocery shopping

  • Doctor appointments

  • Dentist appointments

  • School shopping

  • Dropping the clothes off at the cleaner

And tons of other things. If it needs to be done outside the house, today is the day to do it. Make a list of these things and check them off as you do them.

Today's Mission (We only have missions Monday through Friday)Now you had to know that if yesterday I had you look up that today I would have you look DOWN!  Pull out the vacuum cleaner and get into the corners and along the baseboards.  If you don't have carpet, get the broom up against the baseboards and into those corners.  Get behind and under the furniture.  I do not mean that you should move heavy book cases or entertainment centers to get behind or under. 
Just take care of what you can!
Fly Kids Mission (We only have missions Monday through Friday)Today we are going to declutter the tops of our dressers. You know how we can just pile things on our dressers and they start to get cluttered and messy? Today we are going to fix that! Let's set a timer for 10 minutes and see what we can get done! If you have things that need to be put away, put them away, if you have things that need to be thrown away - throw them away! I bet all of you can do this really fast, I think that all of you will be able to do this in less than 10 minutes!
Holiday Clean Up mission - Today spend 15 minutes going through some of the decorations that you did not put out this year. We all have those boxes of decorations that we don’t use all of. Take 15 minutes to toss out or give away the ones that you just don’t use anymore, don’t like or are no longer useful. Let’s make sure that this year we de-clutter our decorations and it can start with just 15 minutes!

If you didn’t use a Holiday Control Journal this year, you can get a jump start on next year by downloading it now as you are cleaning up after the holidays. You will see lots of things to make notes about. Either use your old Holiday Control Journal or start with a new one.

If you are new to Flylady, please join at any time. There is no better time then now to learn to keep your house clean the easy way! 
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I volunteered for 2 hours at the thrift store this morning and I'm tired. I don't know how these people stay 8 hours.

I'm about to leave for lunch with my daughters. This is my regular weekly lunch with oldest but youngest is home from college so she's joining us.


When I get home today:

Finishing zone cleaning:

--Dust top of curtains and rods.

--Wipe windows and sills

--Cull unwanted DVDs to make room for the ones sitting on the floor next to the tv

--Christmas decorations boxed up but need to go into the attic


Weekly, Thursday

Laundry - STARTED

Balance checkbook

Hall bathroom tidy

Sweep foyer steps and downstairs hall

Having pizza for dinner tonight - ORDERED



Would like to start youngest dd on cleaning her room. She'll refuse but I'll insist we start on one corner. I'll tell her we can do anything for 15 minutes or less.


Edited by Night Elf
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I found out today from the state that I will more likely get an infant if I have infant CPR training. So guess what I did? Yep I have spent the last 2.5 hours doing online training and Saturday I will go in for final things to get my certification (with DH, thankfully I could find a sitter on this short of notice!). I am actually a bit surprised. It has changed a bit since the last time I had this. Now I feel old. :( But at least it is done till Saturday. Since DH will be doing his 2.5 hours of online training tomorrow, I think tomorrow will be more or less a work day for me. The only difference is, tomorrow I do DH's work clothes and he doesn't have any of those to wash tomorrow so NO LAUNDRY!!! YAY!!



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